This was published 4 years ago
I thought I was safe to walk the beach with my daughter, then the police came
Kasey Edwards
WriterThe two police officers striding towards me were the first sign that I’d done the wrong thing. It was a sunny Saturday morning and I’d taken my 10-year-old daughter, who had a severe case of cabin fever from being cooped up most of the week, to the beach for a walk along the water’s edge.
“I’m going to have to ask you to leave the beach; the beaches are closed,” said one of the police officers.
“We’re just walking,” I said. “We’re not going to sit down.”
I’d checked all the information before I left the house and was sure that this walk along the beach was allowed. The City of Port Phillip’s statement explicitly stated that we could access the beaches “as a thoroughfare, such as for a run or walking a dog” and that “swimming is allowed at this stage as long as social distancing and mass gathering rules are obeyed”.
And, for maximum safety, I had chosen the most unpopulated beach in our local area. It’s the one with the views of shipping freighters where the skyline is dotted with cranes.
Ironically, these police officers were the first people who, outside of my family, I had allowed to come deliberately and purposefully within two metres of my daughter since we started social distancing.
Both police officers were nice about telling us we were breaking the law, but it was frustrating to think that the only reason we were breaking it was because we didn’t know about it.
It was even more frustrating afterwards when by complying with this new and poorly communicated law, my daughter and I were forced to move from a situation where we were safely distanced from other people to one where we were not.
Rather than being allowed to walk back the way we came, the police officers ordered us to walk up onto the footpath — a narrow strip of cement where it was not physically possible to maintain an appropriate distance from all other people on the path. If we’d all been allowed to walk on the beach there would have been a far greater distance between people and therefore a much reduced risk of spreading infection.
“What are we going to do now?” asked my daughter who was upset by the experience.
I didn’t know what to tell her. I still don’t.
I have been taking COVID-19 seriously for weeks, doing everything I can to minimise the risk of spread, while also trying to maintain a semblance of normal family life. But the messages from the different levels of government – even from within the same level of government — are so inconsistent and mind-bogglingly illogical, that even when you try to do the right thing you can’t.
The health authorities tell us we need to maintain some kind of physical activity and recommend walking in unpopulated areas. That’s why I’ve been taking my children to that quiet beach for the last two weeks. I’ve conscientiously avoided parks and playgrounds, even footpaths wherever possible, walking instead on grassy sections beside roads.
I know not being able to take my children to the beach is a #firstworldproblem, but this is not really about the beach. It’s about clarity of expectations. The inconsistency of rules also adds unnecessary stress to children who are already having to deal with their world being turned upside-down.
Kids are reassured by clear rules and boundaries, such as “We can’t do this at the moment but we can do that”. It doesn’t even matter that much what “this” and “that” are so long as they are consistent and clearly understood.
But if an adult can’t easily follow the hodgepodge, reactionary, contradictory and loop-hole-ridden advice, then how are we supposed to give clear rules to our kids?
I will gladly do the right thing. I just need to know what it is.
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