

This was published 2 years ago


I thought a hobby would make me more interesting. I was wrong

This story is part of the September 11 Edition of Sunday Life.See all 14 stories.

Like all working mums, I was always way too busy for hobbies. But now that my kids have fledged, I have time to take up a little something. It’s what women my age do, right? But what hobby to adopt?

A bohemian friend suggested art classes, but I’m a terrible drawer. I can’t even draw my curtains: the sun wakes me up every morning peeping through a chink. But I tagged along with her and, well, one look at the male model and I felt my creative juices stirring: the semi-clad stud reclining on the chaise lounge was Greek god gorgeous. When the art instructor asked what medium I wanted to explore – crayons, pastels, oils – I suggested tracing paper. I also expressed a desperate desire to sketch this chiselled male model in the nude but the teacher insisted I keep my clothes on.

I now suspect that a hobby is merely something you do in your spare time that bores your friends so much they stop visiting.

I now suspect that a hobby is merely something you do in your spare time that bores your friends so much they stop visiting.Credit: iStock

Two hours later, I was pretty pleased with my pictorial effort. But my arty chum had other ideas. “Why don’t you donate your artwork to a charity?” she suggested. “Perhaps the Blind Society.”

So I downed drawing pencils and went back to the drawing board. My retired pals think my lack of gardening abilities is a growing concern and that it’s time to improve my lot – literally. But all I’ve ever sown are wild oats – whole plantations.


My idea of a “walk on the wild side” is not strolling around herbaceous borders but swinging off a nightclub chandelier. The only “weeding” I do is weeding out party poopers from guest lists. Flowers are simply those things I send to friends whose birthdays I’ve forgotten. My local florist helps me select the price range of each bouquet by saying, “Okay, exactly how bad is it this time?”

Even though the only dirty thing about me is my mind, I did try plunging my hands into the soil. But after a day of toiling, trowel in hand, my back ached, my bum numbed and I was in fear of being arrested for GBH after slapping myself senseless swatting bugs. I was so grumpy, my boyfriend facetiously suggested I plant snapdragons. Still, I might have persevered if I hadn’t then pulled up
a worm. Yes, I’ve dated quite a few, but that wasn’t nearly as revolting as finding one squirming, slimily, through my recoiling fingers. And, of course, if I can’t grow flowers I can’t arrange them, so there’s another potential pastime scrapped.

“Why don’t you donate your artwork to a charity?” she suggested. “Perhaps the Blind Society.”

I was running out of ideas, so one of my sisters enrolled me in her rock choir. Singing appealed, mainly because, like most females, I spent my teens warbling ABBA hits into a hairbrush. But I now know that the true definition of a choir is 40 or so people who think the other 39 can’t sing.


In my introductory class, the instructor divided us into sopranos, altos and mezzos, then grilled us in our separate harmonies. The discordant droning as we tried to perfect our parts was like having my eardrums shredded on a cheese grater. We were the new Beatles, all right – except with 40 Ringos. The vocal cacophony meant I couldn’t even hear myself saying that I couldn’t hear myself think.

Noticing that I’d gone as limp as a perm in a sauna, the choir mistress then reprimanded me for not focusing on each bar. I immediately left for the kind of bar that really does make me happy – the one that serves martinis.

Salsa lessons proved just as disastrous. Unfortunately, I am to dancing what Vladimir Putin is to world peace. I dance out of key.


While my classmates gyrated as though they had Tina Turner trapped in their knickers, I could actually hear my feet thinking. I was so busy counting that I rear-ended the teacher and concussed myself in a head-on collision with the piano.

Undaunted, in the last few months I’ve attempted origami, calligraphy, candle-making and pottery. I thought a hobby would make me more interesting to my friends but I now suspect that a hobby is merely something you do in your spare time that bores your friends so much they stop visiting. Which, ironically, just gives you more time for your boring old hobby.

From now on, I’m just sticking to riding hobby horses; after all, I have whole teams of those. In short, my new hobby is avoiding hobbies. Finally, something I’m really good at! I highly recommend you give it a try.

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