

This was published 6 years ago


I'm a feminist and I don't want to work anymore

By Polly Dunning

Like every other mother on the planet at the moment, I’ve had American comedian Ali Wong’s stand-up specials, Baby Cobra and Hard Knock Wife, on repeat on Netflix. Wong's openness about the struggles of motherhood is not just funny, it's refreshing. But as well as the home truths about the realities of labour, birth and breastfeeding, what really resonated with me was when Wong announced, "I don’t want to work anymore!"

This is something that seems totally taboo for women to say. But I’ll say it too: I don’t want to work anymore.

Ali Wong during her stand-up set for "Hard Knock Wife".

Ali Wong during her stand-up set for "Hard Knock Wife".Credit: Netflix

I mean this, in the sense that, while my kids are small, I have no desire to resume anything more than very part time employment. Now, as a third-generation card-carrying feminist, that may sound like heresy. I certainly feel a lot of pressure to act as if I want to return to the workforce as soon as possible. I’m supposed to be all about encouraging women back to the workforce, and for those women who want to return to full-time work, I'm all for it. But for myself and my own family?

I don’t want to work anymore!

Even the phrase pisses me right off. I always hear talk of "working mums" and going back to "work", and I know that they mean paid employment, but the way we phrase things has an impact. And phrasing it that way suggests that staying home with small children isn’t work. I’ve never worked harder in my life and never made a bigger contribution ( in fact, the Australian Bureau of Statistics found in 2014 that unpaid work is this country is worth $434 billion). No, the relationship of mother to child is not a job, but the act of caring for children all day and night certainly is.

As Wong points out in her stand-up, "The whole price you have to pay for staying at home is that you gotta be a mom... You get no 401-K.”

Now, I’m mostly cool with the mum part (my newborn and toddler are asleep as I write this, so I have a slightly rose-tinted view!), but the extraordinary cost is a problem that we have been talking about for decades. The staggering difference between the superannuation balances of retiring men and women is appalling. Women over 50 are the fastest growing group of the homeless. But most of the solutions offered up involve women returning to paid employment as soon as possible, as many hours as possible. And those of us who choose not to are almost victim-blamed (you know the consequences of staying home, so it’s your own fault). But, to be quite frank, the kids being away from a primary carer for all but a couple of hours a day, five days a week, is not what’s right for our family.

Flexible work helps a lot, part-time roles helps everyone, particularly when both mum and dad work part time, and affordable childcare is extremely important, for both employment access and children’s development. But why can’t we recognise the true value of the contribution of stay-at-home parents financially in superannuation?

Michael Rice, CEO of Rice Warner, makes the case for joint superannuation accounts and suggests that this is a logical way of avoiding one partner having significantly more super in retirement simply because they contributed to the family by being in paid employment while their partner contributed by doing the lion’s share of the unpaid work.


Of course, some parents maintain separate finances (though, I’ve never quite understood how that works when one parent stays home but for many of us this would be a step in the right direction).

The way we value the work of raising children needs to change. Not just in the way we are financially compensated, but in the way we talk about "working parents" versus stay at home parents. Because, in reality, all parents are working parents.

When we refer to stay-at-home parenting as "not working" we devalue women’s labour (and it is still usually women). It’s why your husband thinks you should get up to the baby in the middle of the night because he "has to work" in the morning. It’s why he has after-work drinks to "wind down". And it’s why people’s eyes glaze over at a party when you tell them what you do.

So, when I say I don’t want to work anymore, I mean I don’t want to work full time in paid employment, but I still want to work – and work hard – at raising my children.

And I shouldn’t be penalised for that.

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