

This was published 4 years ago


How an encounter reminded me we need more kindness on public transport

“In my day, children like you would have been beaten around the ears for disrespect,” barked the man on the tram.

He was talking to my 10-year-old daughter and her friend who were blissfully absorbed in their own little world.

The whole public transport experience is often a study in passive aggression.

The whole public transport experience is often a study in passive aggression.Credit: iStock

The man had boarded the tram a few stops after us and had seemingly spent the intervening period fuming that the girls were yet to offer him their seat.

But the girls, who were sitting quietly, were fully engaged in drawing pictures in a notebook and had not noticed the man. I hadn’t noticed him either because I was talking to the mother of my daughter’s friend.

After more rapid-fire comments about the girls’ characters and vague claims about the virtues of inflicting pain on the young, the girls fled their seats, upset and shaken.


I wanted to argue back. But I didn’t want to escalate the aggression. The exchange had already ratcheted up the tension to unnecessary levels.

I agree that older people, those with special needs and women who are pregnant should be offered seats. But the exchange left me wondering whatever happened to the polite "excuse me”?

I don’t spend my time on public transport hyper-alert waiting to pre-empt the needs of the next person who boards, so it is too much to expect children to do this.


If the man had simply asked nicely, we all would have been very happy to accomodate him.

I try to teach my children to be polite and considerate of other people, but this lesson is difficult when the people around them model the opposite behaviour.

We all hear about the lack of civility in modern society. We’re told that social media is killing the art of measured debate and disagreement. We fret about how our public discourse is becoming degraded and coarser.

But where do people — children especially — learn and practice those lessons in polite civility, if not out in public spaces? That includes public transport where you’re often sharing a too-small space with strangers.

If anything, public transport should be the space where we give kids an opportunity to develop and practice empathy. Instead, the whole public transport experience is often a study in passive aggression. It’s the pushing and jostling through the doors to get a seat, and the hostility directed at someone standing in the way.


The idea that kids just come equipped with manners already installed is, in my experience, a myth. Ask any parent and they’ll tell you that kids need to be reminded to use their manners roughly eleventy-billion times before they do so spontaneously. And even then, they may need a little nudge.

If we don’t want kids “these days” to show disrespect, then neither should we.

Yes, public transport is often overcrowded, hot, smelly, running late, and an all-round unpleasant experience. But our every-person-for-themselves mentality isn’t helping. It serves to make it even more unpleasant.

The bushfire relief efforts showed that as a nation we are capable of great kindness and empathy to strangers. When it comes to a crisis, we have it in us in spades.

Imagine how much more pleasant our day-to-day interactions might be if we extended that kindness when there isn’t a looming crisis? And we teach our children to do the same?

Kasey Edwards is the author of the young adult series, The Chess Raven Chronicles, under the pen name, Violet Grace.

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