This was published 4 years ago
Gabriella Coslovich: a walk in the bush reveals beauty in miniature
Along a steep track cushioned by slippery sheoak needles, we climbed perilously close to the edge of the dolerite cliffs of Fluted Cape at the southern end of Adventure Bay on Bruny Island. The view stole our attention; an endless sea of Prussian blue, blazing white waves crashing against the cape’s jagged rim, and an impossibly balanced totem of rocks sculpted by wind to resemble an Easter Island head. The marvel of it all carried us away and we had to remember to focus on our steps. There were no fences to catch a fall.
Gabriella Coslovich.Credit: Selina Ou
The sublime landscape concealed a brutal history of whaling, destruction and dispossession. Bruny Island is the traditional country of Truganini, who knew it as Lunawanna Alonnah. We walked on, unable to reconcile history with the land’s spiriting beauty. The track rose sharply to the cape’s summit, making our thighs burn and our breathing hard. At the top we sat as close to the verge as we dared and inhaled the view a little more before descending along an inland path. Leaving the sea behind, we plunged through native bush, gravity on our side, until the sight of an older man buckled on his hands and knees on the path ahead stopped us in our tracks. Was he OK? He gestured for us to pass.
As we approached I saw he was bent over a camera on the ground. Was he photographing birds, I asked. No, he said, orchids. I looked around and couldn’t see any. Here, he said, pointing to earth, to the tiniest orchid, barely a centimetre or so high, wine-coloured and as delicate and spindly as a daddy-long-legs. The man reeled off the orchid’s botanical name, which I didn’t quite catch. There are more than 200 native species of orchids in Tasmania, he said, astonishing us again. He showed us another orchid on the forest floor, like a miniature lotus on a pad.
The man took a photo and held the camera up for us to see. Magnified on the screen, the flowers were unmistakable as orchids, their prominent labellum curling forward like a poking-out tongue. Later that day, I entered “spider orchid” into Google and found the daddy-long-legs of the species, Caladenia Filamentosa – is this what the man had said? I couldn’t be sure, but it seemed miraculous all the same, and another threatened species, I read. It’s been a year of slowing down and paying attention, lessons I keep learning.