

This was published 4 years ago

Cath Moore: Hunting for hidden treasure in a time of confinement

By Cath Moore

One of the things I've noticed most in this period of confinement has been the need for novelty. As an example breakfast for dinner, which I heard people (definitely not me) have resorted to because life seems to revolve around meal times and cereal requires far less brain capacity than even beans on toast. Sad, isn't it. My craving for novelty is no more evident than when I go shopping; eyes scouring the shelves for well-marketed edible distractions. To be honest, I'm so desperate for something new, they could be crackers with artisanal toenail clippings and lint and I'd still plonk a piece of brie on top and give them a go.

Author Cath Moore.

Author Cath Moore.Credit:

There was this kids' book I used to have, about a dog that wrapped up everything in his house so he could justify the joyous activity of opening a present every day. The reveal never gets old even if the gift itself actually is. This is because when the brain reacts to novelty it releases dopamine, that wonderful "reward" chemical that also encourages a continued search for more novelty.

Think about searching for Easter eggs. The gig is pretty self-evident for small people. There are eggs in the bushes. I shall go forth and find them. The anticipatory excitement as they step painfully close to the chocolate bunny before traipsing off in the other direction, is ridiculously enjoyable.

Before lockdown, my family discovered geocaching, a technologically enhanced treasure hunt. By combining map co-ordinates and a GPS device, anyone can set off on a geocache hunt to find hidden objects – but the magic is also in the collective experience.

If you take a treasure, you must replace it with one of equal value. Perhaps we should make this government policy; getting wet and lost in the wilderness for hours might be a good way for obstinate politicians to learn about the basic tenets of good will and collaboration.


We eventually found a handcrafted bracelet made out of felt and beads. On our departure we left a painted rock, hoping it was appropriate creative currency. That excursion was science in motion: every time we thought we'd found our clue, a rush of excitement flooded our system and heightened our senses. Dopamine really is the chemical gift that keeps on giving.

While COVID leaves loss and sorrow in its wake I'm hoping there might also be room to find curiosity and wonder about what we may still find if we play hide and seek with parts of the world we do have access to and the people we can share it with. If all else fails, wrap up your toaster tonight. Breakfast tomorrow will be a pleasant surprise.

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