

This was published 4 years ago


Beware the prom-paganda: Australia, it's coming for you

As an American living in Australia, I’ve had to get used to the way certain aspects of US culture are adopted here. The movies and TV, the burger joints, Halloween… it’s all delivered with a delightful Aussie flare and it’s fun.

But there is nothing “fun” about the way the country has been bewitched by the cultural phenomenon known as the prom. We call it school formal here (in Poland, it’s studniowka) but I know a prom when I see one. The hormone-induced neuroses, the over-essentialised rite of passage-ness, the formal wear that screams “we’re not ready for this!”… the prom has taken hold in Australia and we should all be concerned, if not completely terrified.

Netflix’s The Prom starring Nicole Kidman, Meryl Streep and James Corden tells the tale of a young girl desperate to go to the prom.

Netflix’s The Prom starring Nicole Kidman, Meryl Streep and James Corden tells the tale of a young girl desperate to go to the prom.Credit: Netflix

Embracing this nightmare ritual imperils our children. Our children! Their emotional development, their sense of self and belonging, their ability to handle peer pressure – these things are unnecessarily tested by the no fun zone of the prom.

This is not a theoretical warning. I’ve been to the belly of the beast. I’ve stared into its fiery eyes and seen the burning souls of adolescence. And I’m encouraging you to reject this particular cultural invasion.

I’m not even blaming America. The current form of the prom started in the 19th century at American universities, but it’s a mutation of the debutante ball, which had already existed in the UK for hundreds of years as a way for families to “present” and “marry off” their girls. (Uncomfortable face emoji.)

But America has turned the prom into a cultural touchstone, churning out one unrealistic, mythologised propaganda film after another for decades. Punk Annie Potts telling Molly Ringwald to “just go” to the prom in Pretty in Pink. People breakdancing and laughing for no reason in Footloose. Teens conducting a creepy sex pact in American Pie. A basketball-playing werewolf ripping off Thriller choreography in Teen Wolf.

And the latest bit of irresponsible prom-paganda comes in Netflix’s audaciously-titled film The Prom, in which Meryl Streep and James Corden (Nicole Kidman is also involved) put on a school dance in Edgewater, Indiana, for a girl who isn’t allowed to attend her school’s prom with her girlfriend.

She isn’t allowed because the prom, like anything steeped in centuries-old tradition intended to teach people social etiquette, is still marred by stark bigotry. As recently as 2010, a Mississippi school cancelled its prom so a girl couldn’t bring her girlfriend. And a school in Georgia only desegregated its prom in 2013. That was seven years ago!


Even in Australia, the event is so sacred that the Anglican Church Grammar School in Queensland didn’t let some boys bring their boyfriends to the formal in 2008.

If the trailer is anything to go by, Ryan Murphy is spinning this historical misery into an exuberant, feel-good musical – which sounds fun and positive. But it’s the girl’s obsession, her desire to “go to prom like any other kid”, that makes this film so dangerous.

Times may have changed, but debutante balls are still being held in Australia.

Times may have changed, but debutante balls are still being held in Australia.Credit:

Going to prom “like any other kid” can certainly mean a delightful night out with friends to celebrate the end of high school, creating cherished memories that last a lifetime.

It can also be an absurdly expensive, mutated mating ritual that can scar a teenager for life.

The cost is dizzying. You will be digging deep for the tickets, the formal wear, limo rental, tiger rental, corsage, bouttonierre, brass knuckles, party bus, party bucket (to throw up in), spray tan, handbag, party bag (again, for throwing up), all of which will be paid for with your self-esteem.

Add the potential for questionable choices, illicit behaviour or contraband and what you’ve got is societal meltdown. Anarchy in the streets. Up is down, East is West, the future leaders of the nation blitzed on boxed wine and vodka cruisers, doin’ it all for the ‘gram.

As for me personally, my senior prom wasn’t whites only so I was allowed to go with a group of friends, all of whom seemed to have serious girlfriends all of a sudden. I worked up the courage to ask a girl to the dance. She said yes. Then I played everything extremely cool.


Oh no wait. What I did was fall deeply into unrequited love and I don’t remember anything that happened after that. I know we went to the dance because there are photos – horrible photos of me looking like an enormous penguin stuffed with insecurity, running the gussied up gauntlet of shame. Those photos are, hopefully, lost to time. I can’t imagine what it would be like to go to a prom now with social media caching those moments in some dark corner of the Internet in perpetuity.

Yet this cautionary tale comes too late for Australia, which appears to have fully accepted the prom/formal as a rite of passage.

A few months ago, a Sydney high school senior was forced to “come to terms” with the fact that the year 12 formal was cancelled due to the coronavirus. Someone else lamented the cancellations as sad. In response, The NSW government reinstated school formals just days later. Why all the fuss? A website called Australian Finishing School knows what’s at stake.


“It’s your own decision whether you want to go or not,” the site says. “But I can tell you one thing, some people regret not going to their School Formal/Ball/prom many many years later.”


All of that said, of course, life is short and if a kid is as desperate to go to a school dance like the girl in The Prom, they should do it. I’m not trying to be the fun police. And who knows, maybe The Prom will turn all of the prom cliches on their head and deal with the reality of going through such a forced rite of passage.

But that seems unlikely, unless it suddenly turns into a horror movie halfway through – something like Carrie, Prom Night or She’s All That.

Ultimately, any teen thinking about taking the prom path must remember the words of “So come on! Make some memories for these are moments that you will remember for the rest of your life be it your very best night or your worst!”

Nick Bhasin is a writer and editor. Follow him on Twitter: @nickbhasin

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