

This was published 4 years ago


A forgotten history: It's time to return to old-school fathering

If you want to see the future of fatherhood, look to the past. That’s the advice of Rob Sturrock, author of Man Raises Boy.

But Sturrock’s not talking about the stereotypical dad of the 1950s and 60s. You know the one: the rigid, emotionally-distant authoritarian whose idea of involved parenting is putting his whisk down just long enough for a Sunday drive. Instead, he’s looking to the Middle Ages.

Rob Sturrock, author of Man Raises Boy.

Rob Sturrock, author of Man Raises Boy.Credit: Lia Marx

“There is a forgotten history that fathers were at home a lot,” says Sturrock. “And it wasn't just dads teaching kids how to sow seeds and plough a field, it was actually the emotional part of parenting, they were really caring for their kids.”

Sturrock points to letters, private records and private accounts from men in the Middle Ages up to the Industrial Revolution that he says showed men in these earlier eras were far more involved in the care and nurture of their children than the breadwinner dad.

Take the former journalist and British politician William Cobbett, who, in 1830, wrote, “The man who is to gain a living by his labour must be drawn away from home, or at least from the cradleside, in order to perform that labour; but this will not, if he be made of good stuff, prevent him from doing his share of the duty due to his children.”


On discovering this history, Sturrock says his response was one of relief. “My first feeling was, ‘Oh my god, so I’m not alone!’,” says Sturrock. “This feeling that I have where I want to be a carer for my children is totally natural, we’ve done it for a long time and we’ve been losing the art of engaged fatherhood.”

When Sturrock was expecting is first child he had a strong desire to be just as involved in the care and nurturing of his child as his wife would be. He wanted to take extended paternity leave and work flexibly but many people thought it was strange and even amusing.

“I encountered cultural resistance and curiosity from colleagues and family about why a bloke is doing this, and even though I was determined to take on a caring responsibility, I still had this niggling thought about, am I doing something that is unnatural, am I going against the grain?”


Why do we persist with the idea that the “natural” role of men is to be just the breadwinner? Sturrock says it’s a hangover from the 1980s and 1990s when boys were still being told that their natural role was to go out and be corporate and industrial warriors.


“Boys in this era weren’t just being pushed towards particular futures, we were being pushed towards particular personalities: physically strong, emotionally stoic, always in control, never doubtful”.

The ripple effect is that according to 2016 research from the Parenting Research Centre, the majority of Australians still believe that women are naturally better at caring for children than men.

“Something is stuck in this country about getting fathers to believe they can be amazing fathers,” Sturrock says. “Men have more choice about the type of father the can and be than many of them may realise.”

The current breadwinner father model is not working for many women, with domestic inequality being one of the biggest sources of marital tension. Neither is it working out so well for many men with one in 10 new dads experiencing postnatal depression.

And it’s not great for our kids. Fathers are most often the first deep male relationship a child has. Fathers are incredibly influential in teaching girls about how they should expect to be treated by men. And boys look to their fathers to work out what kind of man they should grow up to be.

“We often think fathers should teach boys how to do certain things — kick a footy, shave, put on a tie — when in fact they should be imparting character traits and an understanding of manhood. The attitudes and actions of fathers can expand or confine what masculinity means to our sons,” says Sturrock.

The lesson of history is that we should consign the pop psychology myth that men are naturally hardwired to go out and hunt from caveman times to the dustbin. Men are no more genetically programmed to be emotionally-distant walking wallets than women are “naturally” nurturing. The rise of work in factories dragged men away from their homes and their kids. It’s time they were encouraged back.

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