

This was published 5 years ago

'A disaster': budget funds for couples counselling criticised

By Jane Gilmore

The federal government’s recently announced $78 million funding package for domestic violence was a step in the right direction, even if it fell far short of the estimated $454 million needed to meet current needs for crisis accommodation and related services.

The devil, however, is always in the details.

Experts have criticised the federal budget's funding for couples counselling as part of a domestic violence package.

Experts have criticised the federal budget's funding for couples counselling as part of a domestic violence package.Credit: Shutterstock

A single-line item in the supplementary papers to the recent Coalition budget has raised concerns in the domestic and family violence sector: there will be $10 million allocated to “Specialist Family Violence Services”, which includes “individual or couple broad-based counselling and dispute resolution services”.

Couples counselling for domestic violence victims. It is, as I have written before, a recipe for disaster.

Jennifer* knows this all too well. Her ex-partner terrorised her physically and psychologically, choking her on multiple occasions. She genuinely believed he was going to kill her.

As is tragically common with so many survivors, Jennifer’s partner was manipulative and controlling as well as violent. He told he she was weak and pathetic, that she couldn’t leave because she had nowhere to go and no one to go to. He lied to police in an attempt to use the legal system against her and make her out to be the abuser. For a while, it worked.

After he forced her to stop taking contraceptives, Jennifer became pregnant. As is tragically typical in domestic violence situations, the abuse escalated during her pregnancy.

Jennifer tried to leave but her abuser persuaded her to go to couples counselling.

She says she went to a single session that lasted three hours. During that session, he repeated his allegations that she was abusing him. He talked over her so aggressively that she ended up crying so much she couldn’t speak.


Jennifer does not remember the counsellor ever suggesting that they should stop, or asking if she felt unsafe. She does remember the counsellor drawing diagrams on a whiteboard about their “different communication styles” and then asking her, in front of her abusive partner, whether she “wanted to work on this relationship”.


“What else could I say, he was sitting right there so of course I had to say I did want to work on it,” she says. “I knew I was going to cop it as soon as we left but I didn’t know what else to do.”

A week later Jennifer’s partner assaulted her again and she says he tried to break her neck. At that point she went back to the police and was given the help she needed to leave him.

Dr Zoe Krupka, who provides family violence training for therapists and has been a practising psychotherapist for 15 years, says couples counselling in violent relationships “is a disaster”.

She says best practice would be for counsellors to see each partner alone to assess whether it is safe to proceed to couples’ therapy.

“Couples counselling escalates emotion in the short term even in the safest relationships," she says. "If you’re dealing with someone who uses violence, it’s simply not safe to continue.”

Jennifer does not remember the counsellor ever suggesting that they should stop, or asking if she felt unsafe.

Additionally, Dr Krupka says abusers are likely to manipulate the dynamic nature of couples counselling to perpetuate the myth that their victim is responsible for the abuse.

Hayley Foster is the Director of the Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service in NSW, and has been working in the domestic violence sector for over 15 years.

"The sector has advised the federal government that couples counselling in domestic violence situations can put women and children in danger, unless highly specialised and experienced practitioners are involved," she says.


“We are deeply concerned that there is no requirement for ensuring that level of expertise is involved in this funding. Given the number of urgent services that are desperately in need of resources, we are calling on the Morrison government to reconsider this funding.”

Of the organisations designated as "Specialist Family Violence Services", who have been invited by the Department of Social Services to apply for this new pot of funding, nearly half are faith-based, and the majority of those are Catholic.

In the evidence papers for the fourth stage of the federal government's National Plan to Reduce Violence against Women and their Children, this group of organisations expressed concern about their “skills and knowledge in providing services to clients who use violence when compared to other skills”.

In short: one of the government’s strategies to end men’s violence against women is going against expert advice to fund a dangerous practice implemented by organisations that admit they do not have the skills to keep women safe from violence.

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