

This was published 1 year ago


I have a chronic illness. Michael J. Fox brought me back to my future

Earlier this week, I sat down with my doctor. I have an autoimmune disorder that is flaring up again, despite a regime of strong medications. The specialist talked me through my test results, and we made a plan about what to try next. She reassured me that I am doing everything I can: I eat healthily, I exercise, I take my meds, I rarely drink alcohol, I get lots of rest.

Michael J. Fox was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease when he was 29. “I’m not pathetic… I’m a tough sonofabitch.”

Michael J. Fox was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease when he was 29. “I’m not pathetic… I’m a tough sonofabitch.”Credit: Apple TV+

But there is still a voice in my head that tells me I’m not doing enough. There is still a part of me that feels responsible for my condition. I have bought into the narrative of personal responsibility. If only I tried the right tactic – if I meditated more, or thought more positively, or ate nothing but vegetables, or ate nothing but meat, or went on a detox diet, or did intermittent fasting, or had energy healing, or did visualisations, or took that expensive supplement that everyone on Instagram is raving about – then I would be free of disease.

And why wouldn’t I believe that? In our culture, illness is a foe, to be quashed with courage and
determination and heroism. If a person fights hard enough, and throws all their energies into the
battle, then they can beat the thing!

I believed this. I did. I complied with my medication regime and tried pretty much every diet/supplement/thought under the sun and fully expected to be cured. When the pain persisted,
and even worsened, I felt bewildered and ashamed.

“What am I doing wrong?”, I asked my specialist. “What else can I do?”


“Nothing,” she said gently. “You’re doing everything you can. This is just the course of the disease.”

And then … a gift. Not a cure, not a magic potion, but a shot of reassurance and validation. And it came in the form of a documentary – Still – about my childhood crush, Michael J. Fox, who is living with advanced Parkinson’s disease.

Fox is living proof that we cannot beat a serious illness with the power of our mind. He is about as
positive as a human being can be, brimming with optimism even in the face of a devastating condition. “With gratitude, optimism is sustainable”, he says, shaking with Parkinson’s tremors, and it is clear he means it.


And the man is still funny and still self-deprecating, despite the daily torment of his illness. “Gravity is real, even if you only fall from my height,” he remarks, after injuring himself badly in a fall.


I watched Still and I cried, not just for him, but in relief. Because if Fox – with his incredible attitude, and his great wealth, and his access to the best doctors and researchers in the world – can’t beat his disease, then maybe I can forgive myself for not beating mine. It’s not his fault and it’s not mine either. We’ve both done our best. Not all battles can be won.

Now, this doesn’t mean I plan to just throw up my hands and give up. I’ll keep minimising sugar and processed foods, and exercising, and taking my meds, and reducing stress, and getting plenty of sleep. But I do plan to give up the self-blame that has for so long accompanied my flare-ups. I plan to give up the belief that I am somehow accountable for my own ill health.

The messages around personal responsibility for disease are pervasive. Even Fox’s family credit him with a little too much responsibility for his situation. They implore him to be careful, over and over again, as if being careful can save him from injury. But he is careful, he assures them. He doesn’t want to fall. He falls because he has Parkinson’s disease, not because he isn’t being careful.

There can be shame and embarrassment in having a chronic illness. In a culture that places such responsibility on the individual, it can be hard not to feel a little like a failure. In being so transparent about his condition, and his prognosis, and his fight, Fox has helped me to let go of my shame. He has helped me to realise that it isn’t my fault.

Fox has given so much to the world over the years, in his TV shows, his movies, and his books. But in
Still – probably the last movie he will make – he has given a tremendous gift to me.

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