

This was published 3 years ago

For many, Christmas Day is hard. It’s harder in a pandemic

By Larissa Ham

It should be the most wonderful, twinkliest time of the year. Instead, the Christmas break we’d all hoped for is turning out to be very different.

Domestic and international border closures have forced family reunions to be cancelled, and many Australians will be spending this holiday period alone.

For those alone this festive season, Christmas Day can be particularly difficult.

For those alone this festive season, Christmas Day can be particularly difficult.Credit: iStock

For those people separated from loved ones, Christmas can feel simply like a time to endure. Psychologist Christine Bagley-Jones says demand for her services always ramps up during the festive season.

While some people will be on their own, others also feel lonely in a crowd – especially if they spend Christmas Day with people they have fraught relationships with, she says.

“That makes them feel quite alone also because they don’t have that close bond, or things haven’t worked out in certain aspects of their life and it’s often illuminated at Christmas time.”

Dr Katie Greenaway, a senior lecturer in social psychology at Melbourne University, believes that while we’ve all had to get used to more time on our own during 2020, this Christmas may be tricky.

“I think because things have been turning a corner (in most states), there’s been a real sense of excitement and optimism in the air. And maybe that’s building expectations a little too high actually,” she says.

“Maybe all that time we spent in lockdown, and thinking to ourselves, ‘if only I could see my friends again, I’d be going out every night and seeing people all the time’ – and the reality hasn’t always lived up to our expectations on that front.”

For one mother, who asked not to be named, this Christmas will be spent alone, without her two boys who will be with their father this year (the couple separated in 2017).


She says she’s not particularly close with her mother or siblings, so she’s decided to spend the day near the ocean, starting with an early morning surf.

While accepting of the situation, and generally happy in her own company, she says the day will be challenging.

“Ultimately not having the children around is a difficult thing, absolutely, in that the joy of Christmas does tend to involve kids,” she says.

“I don’t get excited about it that’s for sure, I’m not particularly thrilled about it, but I make the best of it out of what I have.”

She will probably choose to largely “hide away” on Christmas Day, but treat herself to a nice meal.

So if you’re feeling lonely this silly season, how can you make Christmas Day a little easier?

Dr Greenaway says the first thing to do is focus on your emotional state, and try not to ruminate or dwell on feelings of loneliness or sadness.


“Distraction is a really good strategy in the short term to stop you dwelling on your emotions, so watching a bad holiday movie or going out and doing some exercise [is a good idea] or taking up that knitting you put aside when the first lockdown ended,” she says.

Another tip is to try and reframe the situation. “Maybe it’s an opportunity to have a virtual Christmas with people you can’t be with in person, or a chance to have an awesome Christmas with some other people who don’t have other folks around.”

Christine Bagley-Jones suggests making a plan, which could involve indulging in some of your favourite activities.

“Christmas Day doesn’t have to be reserved just for turkey and ham and overeating; it can be a time when you dedicate part of the day to personal growth,” she says.

You might also choose to head out into nature or volunteer at a community lunch provided there are no stay-at-home orders, binge on Netflix or just ignore the day altogether.

Bagley-Jones says a significant number of people are alone, or just feel lonely at Christmas, and there’s no shame in it.

And if this Christmas does suck, there’s always next year. “If you’re not feeling great this Christmas, maybe this can be the turning point, a great pivot point to put new things in place.”

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