

This was published 9 years ago

Ghosted Reserve brings new life to whiskies past

By Steve Colquhoun

Whether you think ghosts are real or not, sourcing whiskies from "ghosted" distilleries and blending them to release their combined best traits is an idea all spirits fans can believe in.

A golden lining

Sad though their story may be, there's a silver lining - or perhaps it's a golden one - as these shuttered operations are now yielding a treasure trove of stock that has been sitting untouched in barrels for decades.

Beneath the steady hand, keen nose and indefatiguable taste buds of William Grant head distiller Brian Kinsman, quantities of these disparate drops are being assessed for their suitability to be blended into limited edition releases.

The initiative is called the Rare Cask Reserves program, and the first example to reach Australia is appropriately called the Ghosted Reserve.

William Grant & Sons' Ghosted Reserve meets Room 8 at Sydney's reputedly haunted Russell Hotel.

William Grant & Sons' Ghosted Reserve meets Room 8 at Sydney's reputedly haunted Russell Hotel.Credit: Steve Colquhoun

Retailing at $650, it's a combination of liquids salvaged from two distilleries - William Grant's Ladyburn that operated between 1963 and 1975, and George Ballantine-owned Inverleven, which was established in 1938 and mothballed in 2003.

The two whiskies are each a minimum of 26 years old, although either component could have spent up to 40 years in oak.

Wedded bliss


William Grant's Australian ambassador, Laura Hay, says the wedding of two products that were considered rare even in their day is an exciting prospect for whisky enthusiasts.

"I've worked in the industry for over 15 years and the first time I tried the Ladyburn was a few weeks ago, and that means it's extremely rare whisky," says the Scottish-born-and-raised Hay.

Brian Kinsman, the master distiller for William Grant and Sons.

Brian Kinsman, the master distiller for William Grant and Sons.

She describes the Ladyburn as "heavy, malty, rich and velvety, and full flavoured" and says that with the introduction of the Inverleven it becomes "a bit more fruity and elegant and spicy".

The task of "marrying" two very different whiskies is "a huge operation" even for someone of Kinsman's experience, says Hay.

Laura Hay leads a tasting of the Ghosted Reserve in the Russell Hotel's Room 8.

Laura Hay leads a tasting of the Ghosted Reserve in the Russell Hotel's Room 8.

"When we marry whiskies together it takes a while, we have to let them sit and get to know one another. We call it the honeymoon period, and after a while they bring out the best in one another."

A likely haunt

With ghosts firmly in mind, William Grant chose one of the most supernaturally significant venues it could find for the launch, shoehorning a media contingent into the cosy confines of Room 8 at the Russell Hotel in The Rocks for a tasting of the Ghosted Reserve.

Located in one of Sydney's earliest settled areas, The Russell's Room 8 is listed as one of the top 10 most haunted hotel rooms in the world. Rumours and legends suggest the ghost of a sailor is sometimes glimpsed standing at the end of the bed, while "ladies of the night" are heard to prowl the hallway and the sound of children playing has been reported by staff when none are in the hotel.

Executive Style spent a night in Room 8 and can report no paranormal activity, aside from a wardrobe door that really needs its hinges oiled for the times when it springs open with an ominous creak.

Room 8 did, however, feel like a good place to sip whisky with its period decor, and to propose a toast to the ghosts of whiskies past that will live on in this release and other creations still to come from Kinsman's workshop.

The Ghosted Reserve from William Grant & Sons will retail for $650. Only 300 bottles will be available to purchase in Australia, but it will also be available to sample at good whisky bars.

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