

This was published 2 years ago


‘I’m proof that investing in women has a lasting, positive impact on society’

My mother made a promise that her daughters wouldn’t suffer the same “fate” she bore – to be denied an education. As was the traditional practice at the time, Mum, an excellent student, was forced out of school and into marriage.

With this single promise, my mother changed our intergenerational history and carved out our escape from extreme poverty. From her own mother, who never received a formal education and my mother who was denied a formal education, to me, having completed two degrees, and my daughter, whose access to education is now an incontestable right (if she so chooses).

My mother vowed that her children would not be denied an education.

My mother vowed that her children would not be denied an education.

The international aid agency CARE Australia calls this “the multiplier effect”, which, based on decades of research, tells us that when one woman escapes poverty, she brings four others in her circle with her – that even though women are the most impacted by poverty, they are also the key to overcoming it.

When a woman can get an education, she is less likely to die in childbirth and more likely to have healthy babies due to better knowledge of proper nutrition, hygiene, and childcare practices. She’ll also have a better chance of earning an income to help her provide better care. As a result, she is more likely to send her children to school, ensuring the next generation are educated as well. In fact, every additional year of school a girl receives can increase her income by up to 20 per cent.

My story is living proof that investing in women has a lasting positive impact on society. Yet, we still live in a world where the full potential of women’s contributions remains untapped or even thwarted.

Even in our comparatively privileged position in Australia, women and girls continue to bear the brunt of poverty and remain underrepresented in positions of power and influence. Can you imagine, as we are invited to do this International Women’s Day on Tuesday, what could be achieved in a gender-equal world, free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination? A world that is diverse, equitable and inclusive?

Even in Australia, women still bear the brunt of poverty and are underrepresented in positions of power.

Even in Australia, women still bear the brunt of poverty and are underrepresented in positions of power.Credit: Erin Jonasson

I can begin to imagine that future world because of the brave women leading the way today.

These incredible women include Apryl Watson and Belinda Stevens, the daughters of Tanya Day, a Yorta Yorta woman who was arrested on a charge of public drunkenness and died in police custody after a fall. Day’s daughters’ advocacy has contributed to the abolition of the crime of public drunkenness in Victoria – a law that had a disproportionate impact on First Nations People. As the Aboriginal affairs minister, Gavin Jennings, said: “The courage and determination they have shown to prevent other families from experiencing their pain has been remarkable and truly inspiring.” It has, indeed.


We have also witnessed the inspiring bravery of Grace Tame and Brittany Higgins. Young women who, in their demand for justice for women and victims of sexual abuse, have shifted the tone and seriousness of conversations this country ought to be having about the safety of women and children – at home, at work and in public.

At a huge personal cost, these powerful women forced us to listen. By speaking up, they have shone a light on the stories of many other women and how they have been failed, and continue to be failed, by systems in our society. Their brave actions are creating a safer society for all – not just for women.

Grace Tame and Brittany Higgins.

Grace Tame and Brittany Higgins.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

As we continue to witness women publicly leading and demanding change, privately, most of us have benefited from women who have uplifted and empowered us.

Personally, I have come this far in life because other women lifted my expectations and ambitions beyond what I thought I was capable of, or thought I deserved. These are women like my mother, who secured our access to education by deviating from cultural expectations of what women must do with their lives. Behind my immediate family circle also stood other women who acted as mentors throughout my personal and professional life.

When I reflect on the uplifting role women have played in my life, I am reminded of American writer Toni Morrison’s observation on women’s rights and what they ought to mean between women. In her essay Cinderella’s Stepsisters, she writes that, as we “are moving in the direction of freedom … the function of freedom is to free somebody else”.

She writes: “Women’s rights is not only an abstraction, a cause; it is also a personal affair. It is not only about ‘us’; it is also about me and you. Just the two of us.” In these comments, we are invited to think about our personal responsibility towards other women.

There are concerns that such an invitation places an additional, perhaps undue, burden on women to implement change in society while already in the disadvantaged position of having to fight for their rights. It is a reasonable concern, but one that I do not share – why should we not be our sisters’ keepers as we move toward freedom, power, and equality?


As the writer Maria Popova says, “Whatever privilege may come to us unbidden, be it by birth or by chance, we must then earn and deserve through the integrity and intentionality of our actions.” We should keep our duty to other women in mind as we participate in society and continue to fight for change; we should approach the women’s rights movement with a desire to achieve equality by design.

That is, a movement that is self-aware about what our demands for freedom and equality mean, not only in relation to societal inequalities between diverse genders, but among women, and between “me and you, just the two of us”.

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