

This was published 7 years ago

Sustainable style: You need to know what happens to your clothes at the dry cleaner

By Clare Press

I just collected my new blouse from the cleaners to find it had been prematurely aged. How was this "dry" cleaned? It looks like I'd chucked in a hot wash with a slug of bleach. It's once perky frilled collar now sags like limp celery. And it's shrunk.

Now, I know there are many excellent professional and careful drycleaners out there, but my luck is not strong in this department. The universe has been telling me to kick my habit for years. My zips come back stiff (why is that?), my buttons cracked or missing, those effing tickets pinned through the silk instead of the label. Once, the elastic waist of a favourite red dress literally melted in their machines.

The universe has been telling me to kick my dry cleaning habit for years

The universe has been telling me to kick my dry cleaning habit for yearsCredit: Stocksy

What are those mysterious machines anyway? And how on earth do you shrink something without wetting it?

"They do wet it," says Anna Gould, an advocate for chemical-free dry cleaning. Who knew? "Dry cleaning is a funny phrase because it doesn't actually mean the clothes stay dry, just that water is not involved." Water swells fibres, which can lead to shrinkage in the drying process. Solvents avoid this problem.

If, like me, you'd imagined the cleaners wafting your designer duds into a westerly breeze or delicately dabbing at them with a baby wipe, you'd better sit down.

"It's not magic. It's just a system," says Gould. "You drop off your clothes, they fix a little ticket to them, then throw them in the machine. Sometimes they might sort them according to fabric or some other categorisation, for example put a whole lot of coats in together, but generally speaking it shouldn't matter because with the solvent the colours shouldn't run. Your garment isn't cleaned on its own.

"The machine soaks the clothes in solvent, then drains the liquid, and dries [the clothes] with heat. Then someone steams out the creases, covers [the garment] in plastic and hangs it up. That's the run-through."

Steaming probably helps remove the solvent, but plastic surely traps what's left of it in. There is evidence to suggest different fibres have different uptake that wool, for example, hangs on to more of the solvent than silk, and that's there only so much solvent polyester and cotton can absorb.

Said solvent is usually tetrachloroethene, more commonly known as perchloroethylene or "perc". Have you seen that 'P' inside the circle with "dryclean only" on a garment label? It means "usual solvents". It means perc.


Perc is nasty stuff, also used as a metal degreaser. According to the Drycleaning Institute of Australia (DIA), "It's true that drycleaning uses solvents or chemicals, and they need to be handled responsibly," but "perc is classified in the same range of many everyday compounds of petrol, nail polish remover and household ammonia and bleach. However, the big difference is that perc is used under very controlled conditions in a drycleaning shop."

The liquid solvents are indeed contained and recycled under government regulation. But what about the stuff that escapes into the air?

George Masselos is president of the NSW branch of the DIA, and has run a Sydney drycleaners for 27 years. He says the industry is like any other – there are careful, professionals doing the right thing, and there are cowboys. "Handled properly there are no dangers. If the drycleaning machine is a properly sealed machine, which all the later models are, and they are properly serviced – and this is vital - then there is less than 4 parts per million of perc come out in the clothes. You can't smell it. If you get your clothes home and they have a chemical smell, you have a problem."

Gould was working for a chemical-free dry cleaners in Port Melbourne when she started getting interested in all this. She took herself off to the Centre for Sustainability Leadership, and is now in the process of setting up an awareness campaign about the problems of perc.

"Drycleaning sites are notorious for soil and ground water contamination," she says. "The people who work in these shops don't wear protective clothing or masks. When the clothes come out of the machines they contribute to indoor air pollution."

Such concerns have been raised elsewhere. In 2007 California banned the installation of new perc-based machines, and committed to a phase-out of existing machines by 2023. France followed suit in 2012.

The American Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classifies tetrachloroethylene as "reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen" and notes a 2002 study conducted in New York that found elevated ambient indoor-air concentrations of the chemical in apartment buildings with drycleaning shops downstairs, "even months after removal of the machines". Also according to the EPA, "homes with freshly drycleaned clothing stored in the closets may [have] 2 to 30 times higher than average background levels [of perc]".

Australia's National Pollutant Inventory (NPI) confirms consumers may be exposed to perc by bringing drycleaned clothes into the home. They say the chemical is not absorbed through the skin; it's inhalation that is the problem. This "may cause central nervous system effects", is a "suspected carcinogen", while long-term exposure can mess with your liver and kidneys.

"The chemicals are locked in the fibres of the garments when you take them home," says Gould. "Then you wear them. How is that common sense?"

Perc, when it escapes, is bad for the environment too. According to the NPI, tetrachloroethylene has "moderate chronic (long-term) toxicity to aquatic life" and bioaccumulates. When it's released into the air it breaks down into other chemicals (including the poisonous gas phosgene) over "a few weeks to a few months", and contributes to smog.

So why are we still using it? Just because we've been merrily doing something for ages, doesn't mean it's a good idea. Back in the 1920s, before perc came on the scene, cleaners used kerosene – until someone worked out it was a fire hazard.

It's expensive to replace the old machines designed for perc but greener alternatives do exist.

New generation solvents use liquid silicone derived from sand, which is gentler and more environmentally friendly.

Increasing numbers of premium drycleaners use these (look for the brand name GreenEarth) and offer wet- and spot cleaning services. How to find them?

"You can trust members of the DIA," says Masselos, adding that's about 30 per cent of drycleaners in Australia. "You can search by location on our website for a member near you. We do checks to make sure machines are serviced, and ensure waste is properly disposed of. We are very conscious of the environment and of new innovations."


Or brush up on your hand-washing skills. Many designers routinely bung "Dry Clean Only" labels on delicate garments in order to avoid customer returns, but there are few clothes that can't handle a careful handwash. I'm positive my poor blouse would have fared better that way. Some fabrics are trickier than others of course – wash crepe at your peril. Satin, same. And yet all but the grubbiest, smelliest coats, jackets and tailored skirts can simply be spot cleaned and aired.

"I'm not a scientist, I'm just a concerned consumer," says Anna Goud. "But I believe in people power, that by talking about an issue we can give it traction. Why aren't we having a conversation about this in Australia, when the debate is much further advanced overseas? I started buying organic food years ago, so chemical free clothes are a no brainer, right?"

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