

This was published 12 years ago

Food: the last battle of the sexes?

By Marj Lefroy

Food. It's one of the most controversial issues of our time: food prices, food security, food safety, food access, food modification, food distribution – and these days, food gendering.

Not ringing a bell? Think 'real men don't eat quiche' and 'salad's for girls.' Or take a moment to consider the advertising that targets diet products firmly at women and starchy, calorific meat pies at men.

Food fight ... do men and women need to eat differently?

Food fight ... do men and women need to eat differently?

"Subtly, marketers have been doing it for a very long time," says Alice Atherton, senior planner at Grey Advertising in Melbourne.

"Part of the job is to try and develop products that have more unique benefits to consumers, and gender's one way of differentiating between consumers and uncovering the different needs that they might have."

Atherton says food gendering became more overt for women in the early 1980s as they joined the workforce and began to be recognised as consumers in their own right, rather than just a means through which to reach families. At that time, pioneering products like Lean Cuisine tapped directly into two of those needs or drivers – convenience and body image.

But nutritionist Lola Berry says it goes back much further, all the way to primitive times when men needed high-energy, high-protein foods like meat to fuel their hunting expeditions.

In today's Western world of sedentary workplaces and channel-surfing hobbies, you'd be forgiven for thinking such an idea might be past its use-by date. However according to Berry - who follows the increasingly popular 'Paleolithic' or primitive diet based on the pre-agricultural diet of grass-fed meat, fish, fruit and vegetables, nuts and roots - it's as relevant today as it ever was.

"At the end of the day, everybody should probably be eating more fruit and veggies. So men might need to eat more salads, and women might potentially need a bit more protein – especially if they're exercising," says Berry.

"The issue we have in today's society is that when we eat, we're often on autopilot. We're eating to get enough to get us to the next meal [but] we should be eating to nurture our bodies, which means both protein like meats but also salads, veggies and fruits."


'Paleo' devotees believe that it's the advent of agricultural production and the more refined carbohydrates, starches and sugars it introduced that has led to some of the Western world's most pressing health concerns.

Berry says the male tendency towards trans-fat-laden foods like pies, chips and very fast foods – staples at every football ground around Australia – are leading to a higher incidence of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and obesity.

She also cites the increasing numbers of male clients she sees with 'man boobs' thanks to the hormonal imbalance caused by estrogen-forming products like beer.

For the ladies, it's the high sugar, high artificial sweetener problem related to 'low fat' products that's of most concern.

"The more of a 'diet' product it is, the more unnatural it is, the more the body doesn't know what to do with it."

While scientists are divided about the dangers of estrogen-forming foods and artificial sweeteners, Alice Atherton says consumers are becoming much more conscious about what they eat and drink. In particular, it's getting harder for brands to health-wash products as 'low fat' when they're simply packed with sugar instead.

"Sugar is becoming more evil than fat. It's getting a lot of press. So consumers are uncovering the truth about what's good and what's bad."

She says Special K (not a client) is an example of a gender-aligned food product that has successfully honed in on its audience, developed targeted approaches that are relevant for them, and engaged meaningfully with them by providing advice, challenges, information and tips about healthy eating.

"[They've] created a community of women who are really there for the same reason. For them it's about body image and self-esteem – and they're comfortable around each other in that community.

"If men were in there, it might change that a little because it's quite a personal thing."

Far from exploiting female insecurities, she says the pitch is more about health and wellbeing: "It's not about being skinny. It's more about embracing who you are but making sure that you're healthy first."

She says we should expect to see more gender-specific food advertising – and indeed, gender-specific food product innovation – particularly as the population ages.

"Men and women have quite distinct nutritional needs, so it makes sense that products are developed around those needs ... whether it's women and calcium or iron, or men in terms of heart disease.

"We are very distinct creatures in that sense and what we need in terms of food intake can be quite different."

As for Berry, she tells her clients (regardless of gender) to follow the 80/20 rule – eat well at least 80 per cent of the time, and let yourself go every now and then.

"It's all about balance."

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