By Jenna Clarke
Sophie Gregoire Trudeau has taken a leaf out of Tammy Wynette's song book and is standing by her man to mark International Women's Day.
"This week, as we mark International Women's Day, let's celebrate the boys and men in our lives who encourage us to be who we truly are, who treat girls & women with respect, and who aren't afraid to speak up in front of others. Take a picture holding hands with your male ally & share it on social media using the hashtag #TomorrowInHand," she posted on social media along with a photo of her holding her husband's hand.
Justin Trudeau waves with his wife Sophie Gregoire in Montreal last year. The couple have now moved onto hand holding.Credit: AP
"Together, we can create a movement that inspires more men to join the fight to build a better tomorrow with equal rights & opportunities for everyone... because #EqualityMatters."
Listen. We get it. Gregoire is the wife of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. The world leader that makes other world leaders, like most recently Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles, swoon like blue light disco attendees, who wouldn't jump at the chance to show him off?
Xavier Trudeau is all of us after reading Sophie Gregoire Trudeau's IWD post on Facebook.Credit: AP
Gregoire's heteronormative assumption aside, what she perhaps saw as an innocuous post to push the equality agenda has come off looking like the biggest #humblebrag of 2017.
"Humblebrag", as defined by this generation's Oxford dictionary - Urban Dictionary - is: "To bring up one's accomplishments in conversation."
We get it guys, you're blissfully in love and lovely humans to boot but it's Women's Day not Valentine's Day.
Despite clocking up more the 19,000 likes on Facebook alone, the hashtag and subsequent call out to the sisterhood encouraging them to hold hands with their male allies on a day highlighting women's issues bombed like Andrew and Cheryl's "relationship" on Married At First Sight.
Fans of the mother-of-three and former entertainment reporter, called it out.
"This is utterly ridiculous. Shameful really," one said.
"I think I'll be taking photos with my daughters, female friends and colleagues instead."
However a handful of avid hand-holders did take part.
Gregoire didn't back down, thanking her followers for their varied feedback.
"Well, now we're having a conversation! Thanks to everyone for your feedback and pics! Love it. Our goal is gender equality, and fighting for it is going to require men and women working together - raising our boys and girls to make a difference, hand-in-hand. This is about recognising that we should be allies on this journey," she said before addressing the crowds at functions for Plan International Canada and Equal Voice in Canada.