

This was published 2 years ago

Camcorders, Steve Vizard and magic-eye puzzles: Inside the pages of Sunday Life in 1997

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It was the year Princess Diana died, we were all watching Titanic at the cinema, and John Howard was into his second year as prime minister of Australia. But 1997 was also the year when an exciting new magazine called Sunday Life! (yes, the exclamation point was part of the original name) launched as an insert in Sydney’s Sun-Herald and Melbourne’s Sunday Age. Here’s a look at that first issue.


The first cover “star” was in fact a jar of ‘‘happy divorce pills” (looking suspiciously like jelly beans) which belonged to Dr Ellie Moanie (geddit?).Credit:Natalie Boog


The press release also promised readers “stimulating, in-depth features and intelligent columns”. A surprise addition came in the shape of a bloke in budgie smugglers.Credit:Natalie Boog


Does anything scream mid-’90s like a 3D Magic Eye puzzle? This one came with instructions, including “swing your eyes slowly back and forth”.Credit:Natalie Boog


A press release at the time said readers “will get the low-down on high-tech – from digital cameras to personal organisers, from camcorders to laptops and the like”. Credit:Natalie Boog



“Scrapbook” was a regular section in which celebrities handed over photos from family albums. Steve Vizard (remember him?) was the first to be featured. Credit:Natalie Boog

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