

This was published 12 years ago

Toxic taint drives cosmetic change

By Sandy Smith

Confused by makeup scare stories? Worried that lead in your lipstick and arsenic in your mascara might be damaging your health? It might be time to ditch the contents of your make up bag and switch to organic.

In February, The Age reported that four hundred of the most popular lipsticks in the US contained trace levels of lead when tested, according to analysis by the US Food and Drug Administration. A week later, the UK's Daily Mail followed up a report from the Canadian environmental organisation, Environmental Defence, Heavy Metal Hazard: The Health Risks of Hidden Heavy Metals in Face Makeup, with a warning — "eyeliner and concealers contain cadmium, powders and blushers are not nickel-free, beryllium is found in bronzes and eye-shadow and mascara and foundations even include arsenic."

Suffering for beauty? ... fears about chemicals see natural cosmetics sales surge.

Suffering for beauty? ... fears about chemicals see natural cosmetics sales surge.

"Heavy metals are in our face makeup and consumers have no way of knowing about it," said the report, which called for consumers to choose safer products and cosmetics companies to fully disclose ingredients. "For some of these metals, science has not established a 'safe' level of exposure." Heavy metals can build up in the body over time and can cause health problems including cancer, reproductive disorders, neurological problems, memory loss, mood swings, contact dermatitis and hair loss, said the report.

Products containing levels of heavy metals of most concern included L'Oreal's Bare Naturale mascara, Benefit Benetint Pocket Pal (Red Tint) lip tint and Almay's Intense i-Color Trio eyeshadow — all available in Australia.

Dr Peter Dingle, Associate Professor at Murdoch University stands behind the claim that some chemicals in makeup and beauty products can be harmful to health. "Heavy metals, primarily lead and mercury are highly toxic," he says. "The problem we face is that everyone is different and everyone reacts differently. There are some people, who are unable to detoxify heavy metals from their body, who will accumulate it at higher rates than most." Dingle believes consumers have a right to know what is in their cosmetics. "Would you buy a certain cosmetic if it had neurotoxins in it or heavy metals that can lead to birth defects to reduction in IQ or increase ADHD in kids from mothers who were exposed? In Australia nobody tells us."

"It is alarming that the majority of these chemicals have not been assessed for public health and safety especially when extensive research in Australia and abroad has found hundreds of hazardous chemicals are entering our bodies on a daily basis and passing into the environment with toxic consequences," says Amina Leslie, director of Safe Cosmetics Australia. "Toxic chemicals are by far the cheaper alternative to natural ingredients and it appears that profit comes before health on too many occasions, considering the Australian cosmetic and toiletries industry has domestic sales of approximately $5 billion per annum. The Australian government needs to take appropriate action to protect the general public."

However such adverse health claims are dismissed by Professor Barrie Finnin from the Institute of Nanosciences at Monash University. "Manufacturers generally are aware of potential risks and will obviously not deliberately expose their consumers unnecessarily," he says. "In general, the use of synthetic chemicals are included in a product to improve the product with improved efficacy, safety or cosmetic appeal. Indeed, removal of synthetic chemicals from cosmetic products may increase the risk to consumers rather than decreasing it."

Dr Phillip Artemi, a Sydney dermatologist and member of the Australasian College of Dermatologists, says the best advice is to keep skin care simple. "The average woman uses 8-10 skin care products a day. If each [product] averages 15-20 ingredients this represents a total of up to 200 different chemicals applied to the skin in one form or another each day — it's a wonder some women have any skin left. The fewer the number of products applied to the skin, each with as few ingredients as possible, the better, if you want to avoid irritation and the risk of developing dermatitis."

"Consumers need to decide for themselves if the benefit of using the product outweighs the risk and if they are concerned then stay clear of those products," says Ingrid Just from the consumer group Choice. If they do have concerns, Just suggests researching the ingredients or looking at alternative products. If buying natural or organic then check the information to make sure it is certified with a recognisable logo from a certifying body. "It's about doing your own research and weighing up what level of confidence you have."


Products that are 'Certified Organic' and carry a logo from a body such as Australia Certified Organic (ACO), Organic Food Chain (OFC) or The National Association for Sustainable Agriculture, Australia (NASSA), are best says Carla Oates, ambassador for the Biological Farmers Association in organic skincare and author of Feeding Your Skin. "Once you experience the truly nourishing nature of a formulation rich in rejuvenating plant based ingredients, you probably won't want to go back to the other stuff and your skin will thank you."

The better safe, than sorry message seems to be gaining traction in the beauty industry with mainstream companies adding organic and natural products to their ranges. In December of last year, industry watchdog Organic Monitor reported: “Large cosmetic companies are entering the naturals arena. Some like L’Oreal and Colgate-Palmolive have taken the acquisition route, whilst others have developed natural / organic lines. Recent newcomers, such as Garnier, Henkel and Amore Pacific, are launching certified organic products.”

So it's no surprise to see a growing number of celebrities are endorsing organic cosmetics and skin care ranges. Fans of Australia's Vani-T natural and organic products include Kylie Minogue, Danni Minogue, Erika Heynatz and Sonia Kruger. Meanwhile Miranda Kerr went a step further and launched her own organic skincare range Kora Organics in 2009.

"Most people are conscious of what they eat, why would you compromise your skin by putting chemicals on your skin which can harm you?" asks Tania Walsh, CEO and founder of Vani-T.

Indeed. And it appears that consumers are increasingly asking themselves the same question. Organic Monitor predicted $US9 billion in global sales for natural beauty products last year and estimates that the figure will reach $US14 billion by 2014.

The worldwide uptake of natural cosmetics is reflected in a local success story. Australian organic makeup brand, Nvey Eco, a pioneer in the organic makeup sector when it launched in 2005, is now sold in over 30 countries. "We offer a great healthy alternative to silicones, petro-chemicals, parabens, and numerous other chemicals commonly used in cosmetics," says its CEO and founder, Rohan Widdison.

Cosmetics buyers world over clearly agree.

You can check the safety of your makeup at the US Environmental Working Group's Skin Deep database, Safe Cosmetics Australia also has a toxic free list available online at

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