

This was published 4 years ago

After three months, suddenly a fortnightly manicure feels ... wrong

By Annie Brown

It was Nora Ephron who wrote, “maintenance takes up so much of my life that I barely have time to sit down at a computer.”

She was talking about beauty maintenance.

Her words feel more pertinent than ever as we emerge from three months in lockdown, likely with much longer hair and far less worry over what we look like.

“I’m going for a more natural look than I did before COVID-19,” says Janet Muggivan, who spent more than 25 years in beauty PR and marketing.

Muggivan says her usual make-up routine feels overdone now. Likewise, several of her friends have decided to grow out their gel manicures and favour a “less is more approach.”

A new look for me.

A new look for me. Credit: Dionne Gain

Articles and memes about the “joy of letting yourself go" have been celebrated, signalling a departure from what New Yorker writer and cultural critic Jia Tolentino dubbed the culture of “self-optimisation,” that is, an endless pursuit of becoming “the ideal woman” – or man for that matter.

The self-optimised woman, wrote Tolentino, is one “who takes advantage of technology, both in the way she broadcasts her image and in the meticulous improvement of that image itself. Her hair looks expensive. She spends lots of money taking care of her skin, a process that has taken on the holy aspect of a spiritual ritual and the mundane regularity of setting a morning alarm.”

For Alison Izzo, who works in digital media, re-thinking beauty has been somewhat of a revelation during lockdown as she considered what she could do without and what is a “treat”.


“It did amaze me how quickly I forgot about my usual fortnightly mani/pedi appointment and made me wonder why I'd spent so much time and money going to the nail salon beforehand,” she says, adding that she is now opting for natural “buffed” nails.

“However, I learnt that some things were really 'just for me' – namely a semi-regular lash lift and brow tint. It's the first treatment I'll be booking in for, and will never question the money I spend on that again.

“I think I got savvier with the products I already owned and also found DIY beauty treatments were a nice way to wind down... I’ll be saving my money for bigger ticket products or treatments, and saving it on the smaller or more regular appointments that I no longer “need”.”

For beauty salon owners, it was back to business as usual following the announcement they could open their doors as of June 1.

“Our online bookings surged. It was roughly 200 bookings in the first eight hours,” says brow and lash artist Amy Jean.

Facialist Jocelyn Petroni had a similar experience with clients immediately booking in their regular treatment but says the salon will continue to offer the virtual skincare appointments they started in lockdown.


“We’ve had people say the virtual appointments were life-changing,” says Petroni, who predicts people might now spend less time in beauty salons and focus on more sophisticated home beauty maintenance.

Trends throughout the pandemic, which included surges in sales of sheet masks and DIY beauty tools, certainly speak to this.

Adore Beauty founder Kate Morris said between March and May the site saw a marked increase in treatment and pampering categories.

“I thought it was particularly interesting to see how people approached their beauty routines when they didn't have to leave the house. Self-care became the priority – people cared more about feeling good rather than looking good. Skincare was considered self-care, but make-up much less so,” says Morris.

“I expect that the increased skincare usage is likely to stick, even if people go back to the hairdresser and nail salon. I'll be interested to see what happens with make-up, and whether people go back to wearing as many products or as often as they used to.”

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