

This was published 11 years ago

Vectoring could boost Coalition's NBN speeds

By Stuart Corner

The new DSL technology of vectoring could significantly boost bandwidths over the last few hundred metres of copper in the Coalition's planned national broadband network (NBN), but the great unknown is the length of the copper over which it would be required to operate.

Vectoring is claimed to deliver bandwidths of up to 200Mbps, but a more realistic expectation is 100Mbps over 500 metres of copper. It is one of the technologies cited by opposition communication spokesman Malcolm Turnbull as capable of "dramatically" increasing broadband speeds on copper.

Copper tones: Malcolm Turnbull and Tony Abbott launch their broadband policy.

Copper tones: Malcolm Turnbull and Tony Abbott launch their broadband policy.

Vectoring is a variation of VDSL2, currently the most advanced technology for delivering broadband services over the telephone network. One of the main limitations of bandwidth in VDSL2 is the interference between signals on different pairs of wire in the cables that run from the telephone exchange to subscribers and that often comprise several hundred copper wire pairs.

Vectoring manages the signals on all pairs to minimise this interference. According to George Ginis, vice president of product management at US-based DSL technology company Assia: "When you have multiple pairs that are interfering with each other, VDSL2 is limited to about 40 or 50Mbps even in the shortest loops. With vectoring you eliminate that ceiling.

"Over typical cable in a typical noise environment 100Mbps can be achieved over about 500 metres. If a lower speed can be tolerated, about 70Mbps, we can extend the range to about 700 metres. On really short loops, 350 metres, you're talking about 150Mbps."

Dr Paul Brooks, an Australian expert in broadband networking and the founder of Layer10 Advisory, told IT Pro: "If the maximum length of any copper loop is no more than 800 metres you will get a benefit of vectoring over VDSL2."

The technology has been commercially available for just over a year but is making rapid progress. Alcatel-Lucent says it has shipped more than 1 million lines of vectoring equipment to 11 different operators and participated in more than 40 trials since launching its commercial vectoring product in late 2011.

Ginis predicted that 2014 would see large scale deployment of vectoring technology and that costs – often a barrier to the uptake of any new technology – would come down rapidly. "We are seeing an increasing number of trials going to several hundred lines. This year those trials will be covering thousands of lines. The technology is fully validated and all of the problems have been sorted out."

He added: "When vectoring technology first came out the cost per port was much higher than the VDSL. But I expect the cost per [subscriber] will become comparable to the cost of VDSL2 in a surprisingly short period. I believe the chips for VDSL2 customer equipment are already being made with support for vectoring."


The key factor determining the usefulness of vectoring to the Coalition's NBN plan is the average length of the copper from the street corner nodes of its planned network to the subscriber. But the Coalition has given no indication of what it expects the average length of copper to be under its NBN plan.

In a posting on his website, shadow communications minister Malcolm Turnbull refers only to previous FTTN (fibre-to-the-node) plans. "The last serious plans for FTTN in Australia in 2007 and 2008 had maximum loop lengths of between 750m and 800m," he says.

There is no public information on the average distance from the street corner pillars to homes in Telstra's network. Brian Beckor, founder and director of Callpoint Spatial, a company that has extensive experience mapping Australia's telephone network, told IT Pro that Telstra did not make the location of the pillars public, only the boundaries of the distribution areas they serve.

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