

This was published 12 years ago

Nerdvana for IT geek girls

By Larissa Nicholson

About once a month, a group of bright young women meet at a cafe in Acton to have a coffee, play board games and talk about what they have in common - a high-level interest in computer programming, engineering and related topics.

This is the ACT chapter of Girl Geek Coffees for women studying in the still male-dominated technical fields.

Self-confessed geeks Vasanta Chaganti, Amy Fu, Jyoti Dhall, and Sylvie Thiebaux get together regularly to socialise in the male-dominated world of information technology.

Self-confessed geeks Vasanta Chaganti, Amy Fu, Jyoti Dhall, and Sylvie Thiebaux get together regularly to socialise in the male-dominated world of information technology.Credit: Stuart Walmsley

The group's lead ambassador, Vasanta Chaganti, is an Australian National University PhD candidate who said when she first started studying technical subjects at university, she found her classes intimidating when the vast majority of students were men.

The Google-sponsored Girl Geek Coffees, which started in Australia but now boasts chapters worldwide, gave her a chance to connect with other women who were in a similar position, and academic staff and professionals also went along to add their support.

''It's a really nice support forum, but it's also a really great mentoring platform,'' Ms Chaganti said.

When it comes to women in the information and communication technology industries, it seems the more things change, the more they stay the same.

The results of the Australian Labour Force survey, conducted each year by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, showed while the proportion of ICT roles held by women rose slightly from 2010 to 2011, when compared across the decade, the numbers have remained basically static. In fact, the participation rate of women in ICT management roles had actually fallen in the past decade, as has the proportion of professional ICT jobs and support technician roles held by women.

Ms Chaganti said that she had never had any desire to learn computer coding until she discovered her interest in bio-medical sensors, where it is a vital tool of the trade.

Ms Chaganti said it was a similar story for other women, who could be encouraged to learn computer coding when they recognised its importance in the broader fields of medicine, media and artificial intelligence.


Mary McLeod, an ICT professional and chair of not-for-profit organisation Females in Information Technology and Telecommunications, or FITT, said it was difficult to attract young women into the field while they were still at secondary school.

''Trying to convince girls that they can be good and take an ICT career [rather] than do a beauty certificate at TAFE is tough,'' she said.

Ms McLeod said surveys conducted by FITT showed that Australian women working in ICT rated issues surrounding gender and sexism, and problems maintaining a work, life and family balance, as the major factors making it difficult to stay in the industry.

According to the ABS, the ICT roles with the highest levels of female participation in 2011 were ICT trainers at 55 per cent, web and multimedia designers at 46 per cent, and ICT business and systems analysts at 24 per cent.

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