

This was published 10 years ago

Government looks to unlock stock options for start-ups

By Stuart Corner

The federal government has restarted an inquiry into how start-ups structure their early employee compensation packages, pointing to the possible removal of a major hurdle to employee share schemes.

Treasury started direct consultations with interested stakeholders for two weeks on Tuesday. In a statement last week it said it was "committed to addressing the concerns that have been raised by start-ups in relation to employee share schemes".

Australian start-ups have long criticised the current taxation regime as not conducive to attracting talent.

Australian start-ups have long criticised the current taxation regime as not conducive to attracting talent.Credit: Gabriele Charotte

Share options are seen by start-ups as a powerful way to attract, motivate and retain key staff but present regulations demand that employees pay income tax in the year the options are granted based on their future value – which in the case of start-ups is almost impossible to estimate.

The current regime dates from 2009 when the Labor government introduced changes to employee share scheme taxation to close a loophole exploited by employees of large companies as capital gains compensation.

The move provoked a storm of protest from the start-up community and in response the previous government launched an enquiry in mid 2013. It had received submissions but the federal election prevented any further progress. Those submissions have not been made public.

According to Nick Abrahams, a partner in the law firm Norton Rose Fulbright who has been lobbying the government on the issue for two years – the Coalition government's new consultation appears much more likely to produce a satisfactory outcome.

"I think they are more committed to rectifying the issues affecting start-ups," he told IT Pro. "My sense is that this review is intended to go beyond what the original review was about. The tone of [the consultation document] seems far more positive.

"They have not just taken the earlier submissions and said 'Here is what we are going to go with.' Rather they have seen fit to reopen consultations. It is hopefully a recognition that the previous review had too many assumptions."


He said the previous discussion paper had failed to pick up on the key issues. "It went straight to 'here are some solutions' and it appeared to have been designed to ensure there would be income generated from start-up options."

At present start-ups can use what are known as synthetic option structures to issue options to employees without saddling them with income tax on the notional value of those options.

Paul Lupson, co founder and CEO of Lawpath – a 11-month old start-up that matches people needing legal advice with suitable lawyers – told IT Pro his company had implemented such a scheme but at considerable expense.

"These synthetic option structures are basically complex employee loan schemes," he said. "Lawyers and employees are needed to set them up and that can be a real killer for a start-up. Ours cost us over $10,000. That's the sort of thing you don't want to be spending money on as a start-up."

Australian start-up darlings Atlassian and Bigcommerce have also absorbed the cost of such schemes.

Treasury has said written submissions received during the previous discussion period would be included in the new review.

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