

This was published 13 years ago

Girl geeks to take over the world

They are sweet, very introverted and they can code. Meet the girl geeks networking over coffee to survive in a male-dominated IT world.

By Lia Timson

When Miriam Hochwald started Girl Geek Coffees two years ago on a hunch, she did not anticipate it would one day take the world by storm. But that is definitely a possibility now.

The original Brisbane group has expanded to include chapters in all major Australian universities and in the last month spread to start-up cells in New York, Boston, Stanford, Vancouver and even Punjab and Islamabad in Pakistan.

Geeky girls enjoy each other's company at a recent Girl Geek Coffees gathering.

Geeky girls enjoy each other's company at a recent Girl Geek Coffees gathering.

A gifted mathematician and PhD in computer science, Hochwald confesses she created the group because she felt lonely in an industry that still does not know how to relate to the few women in its midst.

"A male colleague asked me at a (mixed) networking event last week what sexual position I prefer.

"Another guy told a girl 'you can't code because you've got tits'. These are not isolated cases," she says still shaken from the experience.

GGC allows student and recent computer science, math and engineering graduates to meet others on their terms. It was started after Hochwald met other girl geeks at a Google networking event in Sydney as a result of being a finalist for the Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship.

It now counts with a twice-a-year $500 per chapter sponsorship by the search giant to cover coffee expenses, plus support from the Reading Room.

"It's trying to do something for girls to express their geeky selves in a format where females can enjoy their field and feel comfortable. They don't necessarily get to express themselves over pizza and Coke or at the pub all the time."

Hochwald, who recently came second in 2011 iAwards ICT Woman of the Year and in the 2011 Microsoft Women in IT Awards for her contribution to the industry, says although there have been many programs designed to motivate young girls to study exact sciences there is no formal support for them at university level or in the workplace. She said they were too sweet and shy to relate confidently with their male counterparts.


"Females in ICT have a tendency to be more introverted and quite pensive. Guys are too, but engineers are more aggressive. They can be extremely confrontational. There is this constant pressure to be 'awesome'. Females interact differently."

She says the support from the coffee groups is helping early graduates feel more confident at a time when they are trying to cement their personal and professional identity.

"All they need now above all else is friendships and networks. Then give them five years and the friendships will be colleagues and they won't be isolated in the workforce anymore."

The groups meet roughly once a month, sometimes around a speaker or to discuss an industry issue or academic advice. It welcomes men if they are accompanied by a woman or wear a male skirt.

"If they can take themselves less seriously, they are more than welcome," Hochwald says.


Each group is led by an ambassador, mostly graduates with Masters and PhD, and requires free online registration. Interested ICT women can apply to become ambassadors and start a new group on their campus.

Professionals can also join the various Facebook groups, or dedicated special interest groups such as coding, engineering, games and multimedia.

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