

This was published 12 years ago

CommBank wants to cash in on your social networking

Would you allow your bank to guard your social gate?

By Nate Cochrane

How much do you like or trust your bank? Enough to let it hold the key to your online life?

What you share online, plus your spending, investing and saving habits, are the new currency in the battle for your loyalty if the chief information officer of the Commonwealth Bank is any guide.


ACredit: Quentin Jones

Speaking at the Australian Information Security Association's annual conference in Sydney last week, Michael Harte said Australia's biggest deposits holder was shaping up for a showdown with Facebook, Amazon, Apple, eBay, Google and other non-traditional and emerging financial providers.

In a hypothetical future world, Harte says the bank will offer a futures market by way of discounts in return for more investment in its products. The catch is customers' social media and other online transactions would transit the bank's portal.

The offer is financially seductive. Harte says the bank will use any savings it extracts from providers and from its own products to pay up front in cash into customers' accounts.

This will increase "liquidity", Harte says, which benefits the bank.

Presumably, such a system also relies on providers such as utilities and rival financial institutions signing on as channel partners, and the bank taking a clip on each product it sells.

At the same time, by having greater access to your Facebook and other social media interactions, it can sell or use that information for marketing purposes.

Owning such a huge chunk of an online persona - the bank will charge higher fees to those who don't accept its offer or who have money elsewhere - creates huge switching costs should the customer wish to defect.


But US-based security analyst Bruce Schneier warns that organisations that create big switching costs are less interested in their customers' wellbeing. He says that phone number portability, which was bitterly fought by US telcos (and was resisted in Australia for years), was an example of providers seeking to extract monopoly rents. Australian banks have also thrown up barriers to account-number portability.

Security specialists IT Pro spoke to at the AISA conference were also unconvinced by the Commonwealth Bank's thinking.

But Harte may be on to something, after all. There is no doubt that social media interactions are emerging as a powerful currency. Qualitative analysis of social data - such as television viewing preferences and content sharing habits, when aggregated over a big-enough base provides quantitative, statistical insights that can be used to improve marketing.

"If you share that personal data you can create enormous value," Harte says. "And that's what we're trying to do in financial services, we're trying to understand in a very intimate way the relationship - loyalty, risk, behaviour and preference data so that we can create value ... for commercial or private consumers."

He says that information allows the bank to offer "in every single transaction the best price to that person or entity more accurately than anybody else".

"And offer something that's specific to their needs rather than offer them something vanilla and generalised."

All this data and the estimated growth over the next few years causes its own problems - how to store and secure it? That's a huge cost to the bank and a fear as great as upstarts squeezing the bank out of its customers' affections.

Harte says the bank spends $2 billion a year to operate its back office, $1.3 billion on IT and $650 million on "capital equipment that doesn't confer any competitive advantage".

Harte laments that people will "sacrifice their privacy for convenience", especially younger customers just starting their careers. He can get this loyalty back that was once the province of the banks by offering smarter, real-time services, he says.

"We've invested over $5 billion in the last five years on upgrading most of our infrastructure, applications and network capability to ensure all those transactions are performed in real time," he says.

"Our modernisation project will finish next year to offer real-time banking across commercial and consumer products. We're increasingly trying to move more of that infrastructure investment to third parties (cloud providers)."

The issue of a bank or any company - be that Google, PayPal, Facebook and so on - owning customer interactions is that they don't work for the customer; customers are a commodity they trade with other indifferent organisations on a global futures market.

But it opens the door for a new breed of financial adviser to work for the customer, providing much the same services, presumably for the benefit of their customer. At least in theory.

The solution may lie in an open-source project to "eavesdrop" on your online activities, you choosing to provide only as much information as you wish and retaining rights to all the data held locally or in a cloud repository that you own and control.

Already, social networks provide programming "hooks" - known in boffin parlance as application programming interfaces (API). These, and website scraping, could be the building blocks for such a personalised broking service to generate a new type of credit score.

Then it would be a matter of going to market with your score and soliciting bids for your business.

In that universe, Commonwealth Bank becomes just another customer of your services. Imagine a legion of individuals all trading their own worth on global futures markets, being rent takers instead of rent givers?

And that would likely be the banks' worst nightmares come true.


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