

This was published 12 years ago

Beneath the Surface: a tablet for business?

By Lia Timson

Microsoft's Surface tablet announcement will go some way to satisfy those eagerly awaiting a Microsoft-compatible tablet for use in business.

Surface – curiously named after an existing and much more expensive Microsoft table-top computer product – was announced today (Monday US time) as a hybrid ultrabook-tablet and is the company's answer to the iPad.

Microsoft Surface.

Microsoft Surface.

It will come with a built-in stand and ultra-thin cover that doubles as a keyboard and was billed by the company's chief executive Steve Ballmer as a tablet that "works and plays", meaning it will have features that ambitiously aim to cater for both consumer and business users.

It will come in two versions. A 9.4mm-thick device weighing 590 grams and priced comparably to the iPad will run on the Windows RT operating system (an OS version compatible with ARM chips). A 14mm-thick version weighing a little less than a kilogram will run on Windows 8 Pro and cost as much as an ultrabook. This is the version aimed at enterprise users.

iPad challenger ... the 'Surface'.

iPad challenger ... the 'Surface'.

Carolina Milanesi, research vice-president, consumer technology and markets with Gartner was at the launch in Los Angeles. She said the device could go some way towards satisfying business demands.

"I believe that the Surface is a more all-around competitor than the Kindle Fire and certainly a credible competitor in the enterprise space. Microsoft seems to have done enough on the design of the device to appeal to the consumer while it has the operating system that plays to the IT needs," Milanesi told IT Pro.

"The hardware looks sleek enough to get high-end users interested, especially users who are more interested in a tablet for work purposes."

Jan Dawson, Ovum's chief telecoms analyst, agreed.

The first Microsoft Surface.

The first Microsoft Surface.

"This is absolutely part of Microsoft's strategy for the enterprise tablet space. It should indeed placate some enterprise IT managers who would have been worried that they have to support iPads or possibly Android tablets.

"The problem is that the RT version is what consumers will be most keen on, while enterprises will want employees to have the desktop Intel-based version, which will be bigger, heavier and more expensive. So there will be a tension there that doesn't exist with the iPad, for example," Dawson told IT Pro.

Hardware manufacturers such as Dell, HP and Lenovo have been waiting for the release of the tablet-friendly Windows 8 operating system – slated for later this year – to launch their own tablets for the business environment. They have seen this as a way to satisfy corporate need for mobility and reduced complexity by staying within the Microsoft environment, as well as a way for the manufacturers themselves to keep their foot in the door of clients who are increasingly tempted by Apple and bring-your-own-device (BYOD) strategies.

Microsoft's decision to enter the tablet hardware market, however, will come as a surprise to them and to enterprise technology buyers who are not used to seeing Microsoft's brand on anything beyond mouse and keyboards (or Xbox video game consoles).

"Some enterprises may be reluctant to buy this tablet over a Windows 8 tablet made by a more familiar vendor," Dawson said.

He added the move was a "huge vote of no confidence" for Microsoft's hardware partners "who should rightly feel slighted".

"It is rarely a good idea for an OS owner to start competing with its OEM [original equipment manufacturer] partners, and this does not feel like an exception," Dawson said.

Milanesi believed Microsoft would use other vendors to pursue a multi-layer pricing strategy, very different to Apple which maintains fixed prices on its iPads.

"I do not expect Microsoft to go for a mass market price point but rather stay in the high end to drive margins and be seen as the benchmark, while leaving the [hardware] partners to drive prices down [with their own hardware]," she said.

Apart from the iPad, Microsoft also has Android tablets, manufactured by several high-profile vendors including Samsung, Lenovo and Acer, to contend with. Analyst firm IDC last week lifted its forecast for global demand for tablets from 106.1 million units to 107.4 million units in 2012, growing to 222.1 million units by 2016.

Despite an expected marketing blitz by Microsoft Windows 8, IDC still has Apple commanding nearly 60 per cent of the market, followed by Android with 36.5 per cent in 2012.

In releasing the forecast, IDC research director, mobile connected devices, Tom Mainelli, said he did not expect the figures to change with the launch of Windows 8 tablets.

"We don't expect Windows-based tablets to necessarily take share from Apple and Android, but [to] grow the overall tablet market."


The question remains if less than five per cent of the market is enough to keep Windows tablets in the running.

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