Grilled octopus with Vegemite? What guests will be eating at this year’s Melbourne Cup Carnival
Curtis Stone joins local and international chefs feeding the well-heeled at Flemington’s Birdcage enclosure.
- Donna Demaio
- Review
- Melbourne
Melbourne's laksa monarch still reigns
Laksa king Esmond Wong now has four restaurants, and his latest takes his secret recipe to the next level.
- Nina Rousseau
- Review
- Melbourne
Hands-on dining at House of Mandi
Succulent meat and rice platters provide an opportunity to practise your 'no cutlery' dining skills.
- Dani Valent
- Review
- Melbourne
New Somali Kitchen, Flemington
In Somali cuisine, no meal is complete without a banana.
- Dani Valent
- Review
- Melbourne
Wolf and Hound
These toasties are not your standard throw-it-together-in-the-Breville-at-home affairs.
- Kylie Northover
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