

This was published 10 years ago

Who are the winners from Clive Palmer's green conversion?

By Mark Kenny

There are two schools of thought regarding the status of Tony Abbott’s climate change promises in light of Clive Palmer’s delphic pronouncements on Wednesday.

Beyond the unfortunate optics of the government tail being wagged by a minor party dog, one theory holds that because Palmer has signed the death warrant of the carbon price, the decision is a clear win for Abbott. End of story.

<i>Illustration: Simon Letch</i>

Illustration: Simon Letch

The other holds that Abbott’s purportedly superior alternative to Labor’s emissions trading scheme, ‘‘direct action’’ has been scuttled, while other crucial pieces of the Labor/Greens architecture will be left in place. Taken as a whole, therefore, his climate policy has been plunged into chaos.

The government, and frankly most people within the politico-media community, lean towards the former.

To understand the bases of these positions, one needs to make an informed guess as to where the current policy battle will land.

On that score, the consensus is that the carbon tax will go thanks to Palmer’s Senate votes, with the trade-off being some kind of legislative mechanism mandating cheaper household power. In addition, it seems the $10 billion Clean Energy Finance Corporation - which the government desperately wants to scrap - and the 20 per cent Renewable Energy Target, will stay. Neither is popular in the Coalition party-room but their retention will not cause the government too much heartache.

On the question of winners, one also needs to make a distinction between the working assumption inside-the-beltway about Abbott’s private position on climate, and the actual formal policy he took to the people at the last election.

The understanding here is that Abbott’s real priority is - and only ever has been - the destruction of the carbon ‘‘tax’’. Everything else, including the $2.5 billion direct action plan to pay large polluters to cut emissions, was merely put forward because the Coalition feared that offering nothing was electoral suicide.


Thus, Palmer’s declaration that he will back the carbon price abolition, while blocking ‘‘direct action’’ because it is ‘‘a waste of money’’, is a short-term insult most Coalition MPs will probably be happy to wear.

If the distance between this miserable public policy mess and what many believe to be Abbott’s private view is limited, you could drive a truck between that position and the story Abbott promised voters.

Carrying the baggage of his unfortunate ‘‘climate change is crap’’ statement, Abbott has bent over backwards to convince Australians that the Coalition believes absolutely in the need for strong market intervention to address emissions. Both sides committed to the minimum emissions reduction target of 5 per cent on year 2000 levels by 2020.

Abbott told voters direct action would get us there.

Palmer’s opposition notwithstanding, it is unclear how much of the direct action package will remain. If the numbers are not there in the Senate to legislate its structures, the option of proceeding by regulation remains one possibility.

But how much political capital would Abbott be prepared to invest in forcing through his direct action program in the face of political hostility, and would such regulations be vulnerable to formal disallowance in the Senate anyway?

Palmer has certainly succeeded in dealing himself into the main political game. More importantly however, he has exposed the government as more passive in this space than it wants to admit. Tony Abbott made political hay out of the undue influence of the Greens and independents on the previous Labor government.

Now it is susceptible to the same criticism because it seems Clive Palmer is driving policy at least as much as the government.

But appearances can be deceptive.

What if the real winners in this are inside the government? What if a certain high-profile Canberra dinner a few weeks back involving Palmer, the pro-emissions trading scheme former Liberal leader, Malcolm Turnbull, and a former head of the since disbanded Climate Change Department, Martin Parkinson, played a role?

There is no direct evidence of this and all parties denied any such policy discussions had taken place when the dinner became public. But Palmer’s belated conversion to climate activist, guardian of the green bank, and protector of the renewable energy target, invites such questions.

Looked at through this lens, two key ministers known to believe in vigorous interventions to address climate change, come to mind. Turnbull, and Environment Minister Greg Hunt.

Hunt, unlike many in the Coalition is an enthusiast for the renewable energy target, but was said to be fighting a losing battle. Environment activists told me on Thursday that despite all the hoopla and focus on the carbon tax, the retention of the target was ‘‘the big decision’’ out of Palmer’s formula.

‘‘The RET had gone from an established policy to being free floating, now it is back - it’s a big win,’’ said one insider.

Earlier this week Fairfax journalists Lisa Cox and Peter Hannam reported that research commissioned by the government’s own panel examining the RET and set to report by the end of next month, had found it was pushing electricity prices up in the short term to 2020 but would result in cheaper prices after that. Households, the modelling had found, would be ‘‘better off by an average $56 a year from 2021 and $91 a year from 2030’’.

‘‘Extending the goal to sourcing 30 per cent of electricity from renewable sources by 2030 has even larger savings in the 2021-2030 period, averaging $109 a year, more than offsetting an initial $47 increase from 2015-2020,’’ they reported.

If keeping the Renewable Energy Target and the CEFC were part of some cunning plan, it so far looks to be working a treat.

It will take more than a little spin to cast that as a clear win for Abbott.


Mark Kenny is Fairfax Media's chief political correspondent.

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