

This was published 9 years ago

Tony Abbott now has Bronwyn Bishop in his pocket

By Mark Kenny and Chief Political Correspondent

Forget about an independent chair. And forget about a system of accountability where the executive arm is subject to the scrutiny of the legislative arm. These were rarely delivered anyway, and right now, they are not even worth pretending about.

By putting Bronwyn Bishop "on probation", after her taxpayer-funded helicopter fantasy, Tony Abbott has all but co-opted her to the executive, cynically extinguishing what remained of the Speaker's putative neutrality in umpiring the most contested terrain on the political landscape.

Leaving aside her past performance in the chair, the PM's "P" plate declaration makes her no different from any minister in his team. The terms of Bishop's engagement are identical to theirs: if she displeases him, she's gone. No other criteria are relevant. This is hardly the institutional arrangement one would choose if genuine independence were of any import.

Another way of looking at it is that the final arbiter of what is fair and what is not in administering the House of Representatives is now, to all intents and purposes, Tony Abbott. The Prime Minister has made himself the Speaker by putting the titular holder of that office on notice of dismissal.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott will address the media on Sunday afternoon.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott will address the media on Sunday afternoon.Credit: Andrew Meares

On the plus side, it might now be said that there are effectively three women on the Abbott frontbench rather than the paltry two we knew of: a Ley (Sussan) and two Bishops (Julie and Bronwyn).

Then there is the separate but equally important question of the role of the Speaker as chief guardian of parliamentary standards.

That too has been trashed.


In refusing to make the Speaker repay wrongly claimed travel entitlements for attending a colleague's wedding way back in 2006, Abbott has both endorsed her defiance of proper standards and rendered hollow his own efforts to salve an offended public. Remember, he already, repaid his claimed travel allowance for the same event.

By putting Bronwyn Bishop "on probation", after her taxpayer-funded helicopter fantasy, Mr Abbott has all but co-opted her to the executive.

By putting Bronwyn Bishop "on probation", after her taxpayer-funded helicopter fantasy, Mr Abbott has all but co-opted her to the executive.Credit: James Brickwood

This bizarre situation reveals that even the pretence of impartiality in adjudicating the people's house has been abandoned and the pantomime of probity has ended with it.

If the former Army boss David Morrison was right when he said, "the standard you walk past is the standard you accept", then Abbott might as well have kept the money and told Brandis and Joyce to do the same.

And for that matter, why not make the Speaker a formal cabinet post? Don't think for a moment Bronny wouldn't accept it - even now, amid all of this.

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This bizarre situation reveals that even the pretence of impartiality in adjudicating the people's house has been abandoned.

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