

This was published 10 years ago

Tony Abbott environment shift a grave threat to natural wonders

A plan to devolve decisions on major projects could spell disaster for some of Australia's heritage areas.

By Larissa Waters

Will Friday, December 13 be a black day for the environment?

I have it marked in my calendar as the day federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt is due to decide on the Abbot Point coal port expansion in the Great Barrier Reef and also the day of the Council of Australian Governments meeting.

Obviously, approving the world's biggest coal port in a World Heritage Area isn't good news for the environment. But why is COAG such a worry?

It's because aside from back-flipping all over the place on school funding, Prime Minister Tony Abbott is also busy making environmental changes with the states. And this is one set of changes that the states, at least the most environmentally ruthless ones, are rapt about.

Coal ships in waters off the Great Barrier Reef.

Coal ships in waters off the Great Barrier Reef.

Mr Abbott is planning to hand federal powers to approve major projects that affect nationally significant natural places and species to state premiers.

The move will wind back national environment protection in Australia by more than 30 years.

Unsurprisingly, Queensland Premier Campbell Newman – one of the country's worst environmental offenders – was the first to sign up to Mr Abbott's plan to devolve national environment protection.

Premier “we're in the coal business” Newman has already gutted state protection for wild rivers, coastal areas, native vegetation and national parks.

A planned expansion of the Abbot Point coal port expansion could have repercussions for the Great Barrier Reef.

A planned expansion of the Abbot Point coal port expansion could have repercussions for the Great Barrier Reef.Credit: Glen Hunt

Now Mr Abbott wants to give him the final say on whether projects - including mines, ports and dams - that damage such areas as the Great Barrier Reef should go ahead.

NSW followed suit, signing an initial agreement shortly after that paves the way for the gutting of national protection for the Blue Mountains and the state's remaining koala habitat.

With two down, Mr Abbott is rumoured to be rounding up the other states and territories to sign up at Friday's COAG meeting.

But will Labor states really sign up to a plan that will destroy former Labor prime minister Bob Hawke's legacy of national environment protection, created when he stepped in to save the Franklin from being dammed?

When Labor held minority government in the last Federal Parliament, the Greens provided countless opportunities to amend national environment law so that Mr Abbott wouldn't have been able to devolve it as readily. But Labor failed to support my attempts to Abbott-proof national environment protection.

Now in opposition, Labor says it has had a change of heart and is against the handover.

Whether the Labor states will reflect this new federal party position and refuse to sign up to "one-stop shop" agreements could be made clear at the COAG meeting.

On the same day, we're due to hear from Mr Hunt about whether the government will allow 3 million cubic metres of dredging and dumping on the Great Barrier Reef's coast for the Abbot Point coal terminal expansion.

This is the last thing the Great Barrier Reef needs, especially with the World Heritage Committee warning it could be added to its list of "in danger" sites within a year.

The committee's advice is clear: don't approve more developments that will damage the reef or Australia may find itself as one of the only developed countries in the world on this international list of shame.

I hope for the sake of our reef, and the 63,000 people who rely on its status as a renowned tourism destination for their jobs, that Mr Hunt has this strong international warning ringing in his ears.

But the minister's recent approval of a massive coal mine in the Galilee Basin, which plans to export out of Abbot Point, indicates otherwise.

This mega mine, owned by an Indian conglomerate, along with other Galilee Basin mines owned by Gina Rinehart and Clive Palmer, will have a combined production of more than 100 mega tonnes of coal a year.

All of that coal is to be exported through the Great Barrier Reef, turning this fragile World Heritage Area into a shipping superhighway and significantly increasing Australia's contribution to climate change.

The Great Barrier Reef, like every natural wonder across the country, is already struggling with the challenges of climate change. Now the Abbott government is set on adding more pressure by giving state premiers free rein over the environment and allowing the reef's coast and seabed to be torn up for big mining companies.

With the anti-science, anti-environment, anti-climate-action agenda of the government, the environment is going to need strong community voices to turn its luck around. Thankfully, they are out there.

The National Law Council, scientists, economists and environmental groups made compelling submissions to a recent Senate inquiry on devolving national environment law to the states, all concluding it shouldn't happen.

In Queensland, tourism operators, scientists and environmentalists are banding together to oppose the Abbot Point coal port expansion.


Let's hope the Abbott government listens to these voices and not just those of big business and mining magnates.

Queensland senator Larissa Waters is the Australian Greens environment spokeswoman and is a former environmental lawyer.

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