

This was published 10 years ago

Prime Minister Tony Abbott's unique challenge as threat exposes divisions

By Mark Kenny

Tony Abbott faces a unique challenge. The unpopular leader must unite a country around an idea that is inherently divisive. People will inevitably question his motives, and his judgment.

He is helped by the unflinching support of the Opposition, but many voters remain suspicious, fearing he is talking up the national security threat because it helps the government or, conversely, he is leading the country into a war that will render it less safe.

The decision to participate directly in the Iraq-Syria conflict to degrade and hopefully destroy Islamic State militants looks to have immediately and appreciably increased the terrorist threat level in Australia.

Law enforcement officers admit this privately even if officially the line from ASIO and the government is that one thing has nothing to do with the other.

Facing a unique challenge: Prime Minister Tony Abott.

Facing a unique challenge: Prime Minister Tony Abott. Credit: RAAF/Craig Barrett

The trouble with this claim is that it defies common sense.

In any event, the alleged entreaty from a senior IS operative in northern Iraq to enlist fundamentalist criminals in Australia to undertake a "demonstration" killing for propaganda purposes has only cemented the link.

Yet the fact the senior operative, Mohammad Ali Baryalei, is an Australian member of IS also strengthens the moral argument that Australia does have a dog in the IS fight.


Thursday's raids have certainly brought all of this home.

If the politics of all this is difficult, the practicalities of defeating terrorism are of an even greater magnitude. After all, this was what Australian security agencies feared most: the sudden manifestation of stand-alone acts of violence, albeit inspired by the exhortations of IS fanatics in the Middle East.

The risk of so-called lone-wolf attacks presents a diabolical challenge for law enforcement agencies.

Why? First, because such attacks may be small in scale and attempted by people who have not previously come under suspicion or surveillance.

Second, the acts allegedly planned may call for relatively little organisation and co-ordination, rendering any monitoring by security agencies less likely to pick up the signs.

Whether it was luck or good practice – or more likely some combination of the two – people were under surveillance this time, allowing authorities to swoop.

Australians will have absorbed the news of planned beheadings of random citizens with many feelings. All will be grateful ASIO with state and federal police appears to have been able to prevent an attack via the largest counterterrorism operations this country has seen.

But many will also be genuinely alarmed that such disgusting crimes were being planned from within. To that extent, Thursday's raids are a rude awakening, reinforcing the extant reality that, even in Australia, fanatical sectarianism poses a clear and present danger.

And it may be getting worse.

Last week, the terrorist threat level was jacked up from medium to high after a surprisingly equivocal public contemplation by the outgoing ASIO boss David Irvine.

It was, we were reassured, a finely balanced judgment call that, on reflection, resulted in the upgrade. High means a terrorist attack is likely.

But Irvine and Abbott were careful to point out there was no specific threat on the horizon, telling people they should go about their normal business.

The threat level was explicitly not raised to extreme, a level used only when an attack is imminent.

This raises its own questions, given the seriousness of the alleged plot, the tight time frame and the unprecedented scale of the police operation.

The justification is that the proposed attack came out of blue sky? The alternative is that Australians may have been subjected to a spot of what may be termed strategic lying.

Interestingly, once authorities knew an attack was being planned and could happen anytime, the terror alert level was not raised.

Presumably, this was to preserve the element of surprise rather than flag arrests that could have either prompted an incident earlier, or the absconding of plotters.


But it does rather call into question the whole point of the alert system and, for that matter, the extent to which the public should take literally future assurances that no specific threats are being detected.

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