

This was published 8 years ago

Would Labor's tax reforms smash house prices or improve affordability?

By Tom Allard and Gareth Hutchens

It's the debate that has dominated Parliament for the past two weeks and may well define the upcoming election campaign.

How will Labor's proposed tax reforms affect housing prices and the economy?

One in five mortgaged Australians have concerns they'll never pay off their home loan in full.

One in five mortgaged Australians have concerns they'll never pay off their home loan in full.Credit: Tamara Voninski

For Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Labor's plan is nothing less than an "assault on private enterprise and economic freedom", one that will significantly devalue the most valuable asset of 8 million Australians while imperilling the economy.

For the opposition, it is a sensible measure that will repair the budget and boost economic growth while having only a moderate impact on home prices. Along the way, it will strike a deep, structural blow against inequality and give young people and those on lower incomes a chance at home ownership.

Both sides have sympathetic modellers to back their view, and a penchant for colourful rhetoric.

But who is right?

Labor's policy has two elements, cutting both negative gearing and capital gains tax concessions.


Negative gearing allows investors to subtract the losses they make on investments from other taxable income. For the typical property investor, this means that, when mortgage interest payments exceed rental income, they can deduct the loss against their gross wage, reducing their tax bill.

Under the Labor plan, the end of negative gearing will apply to all asset classes, including shares. However investors in new residential dwellings, as well as businesses, will still be able to negatively gear.

The changes will be "grandfathered" and won't apply to those who own an investment property before the proposed start on July 1, 2017.

On capital gains tax, Labor will cut the discount from 50 per cent to 25 per cent on tax owed after an asset is sold at a profit. The cut in the capital gains tax concession is arguably the most significant change as its interaction with negative gearing does most to make highly leveraged property investment attractive.

After the Howard government halved the capital gains tax rate in 1999, the number of negatively geared individuals doubled in 10 years while net rental losses surged.

The key to understanding the housing boom is to recognise there have been a multitude of forces pushing prices higher. Negative gearing and capital gains tax concessions – working in tandem – are just one factor, and not the most important one.

Along with a sharp drop in interest rates, a lessening of lending restrictions, persistent problems with building new home and rising incomes during a period of uninterrupted economic growth, leveraged investors and owner-occupiers have driven up home prices fourfold over two decades.

The key to understanding the housing boom is to recognise there have been a multitude of forces pushing prices higher. Negative gearing and capital gains tax concessions – working in tandem – are just one factor, and not the most important one.

Any change in home values brought by Labor's changes could well be swamped by other developments.

In fact, Labor's tax reforms will unleash countervailing forces upon house prices. In some respects, it will act actually work to lift them. In others, it will result in downward pressure. The same goes for rents.

In the lead up to changes, it can be expected that prices will rise. Over six to nine months (depending on the timing of the election and – of course – if Labor wins), investors will be encouraged to buy property, locking in existing tax privileges.

Once introduced, the natural assumption is that the reforms will drive prices down. Property investment will become less attractive and, surely, demand will slump.

Or, in the words of Turnbull in full flight, Labor is set upon "smashing home values".

"Vote Labor, and be poorer! Every single home owner in every single electorate represented in this House will be poorer if the Labor Party is elected to government."

However, Labor's "grandfathering" of the changes – the fact they won't be retrospective – will have an important influence in curbing any collapse in demand and house prices.

"For house prices to fall in any meaningful way, there has to be a lot of selling," says Saul Eslake, the former investment bank chief economist and critic of negative gearing.

"Existing negatively geared investors are actually less likely to sell their homes because if they do sell, they will lose their privileges.

"There will be less downward pressure on prices than there otherwise would have been."

With negative gearing remaining for investors in new dwellings, prices for new dwellings will likely rise as new houses and apartments become suddenly more attractive to investors.

But, over time, the expectation is that it will generate a home building boom that will, increase supply and put downward pressure on prices.

The overall rise in new home prices will be "marginal", "less than 1 per cent", says John Daley, the chief executive of the Grattan Institute, the social and economic policy think tank that counts the Prime Minister's wife, Lucy Turnbull, among its board members.

For existing dwellings, Daley estimates prices will fall about 2 per cent below the level they would otherwise be.

Peter Abelson​ from Applied Economics told Fairfax Media he expects house prices to drop by about 4 per cent, all other things being equal..

That compares to a 6 per cent fall - absent other factors - predicted in a report issued this week by property research firm BIS Shrapnel that was seized on by the government but dismissed by some economists as deeply flawed, being based on a host of false assumptions and not reflective of Labor's actual policy at any rate.

Labor's policy is designed to have a gradual impact on house prices and minimal impact on rents. This is illustrated by the expected revenue boost, effectively the money siphoned from investors due to the changes.

In costings prepared by the independent Parliamentary Budget Office, Labor expects the changes will have no impact on revenue in their first year. In its second, it will bring in $580 million before rising to save the budget more than $3 billion per annum in later years.

House price falls of between 2 and 6 per cent are hardly enough to warrant panic and predictions of economic armageddon. Since 2003, Australian house prices have fallen by that amount or more on two separate occasions. For Sydney, it's happened three times.

In none of these periods did the economy suffer a calamitous shock. Such gyrations are quite normal.

On Thursday, the government widened its attack, noting that the changes to negative gearing and capital gains tax will occur across all asset classes.

This, according to Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce, amounts to a "complete re-engineering of the Australian economy".

But negative gearing is heavily weighted to property because banks are prepared to lend more for residential dwellings. Few share owners, for example, negatively gear.

The important caveat to this sanguine assessment is that Labor's changes won't happen in isolation.

The property market is driven by an array of larger economic forces – cost of borrowing, population growth, household incomes, housing supply and the relative performance of other asset classes.

It is also whipped about by "animal spirits" – the intangibles of confidence and expectations which can lead to sellers stampeding, herd-like, and creating a self-sustaining drop in prices that defies economic fundamentals.

If Labor's changes compound other forces driving property prices lower, then the doomsayers about Labor's plan may have grounds for their dire predictions.

In this sense, timing is important. Implement the policy when prices are overinflated and about to fall anyway, and Labor's changes may exaggerate the plunge.

"If there is a housing bubble, it will deflate quickly," says Warwick McKibbin, an economist and former Reserve Bank board member. "Doing something big now [on negative gearing and capital gains tax], it's not the right time to do it."

Others are not so pessimistic. House prices have surged in Sydney and Melbourne in the past three years – up by about 50 per cent. But the rises have been more modest in other capitals.

Recent falls have taken some heat out of the market.

Historical experience in Australia and overseas suggests big, quick declines in home prices are triggered by some kind of economic calamity – sharply rising joblessness, rapidly declining incomes or a sudden leap in interest rates – often combined with an oversupply of housing and a high level of defaults.

Such conditions do not appear in prospect for Australia, with one exception.

Household debt has doubled over the past 20 years, now averaging 185 per cent of disposable income and leaving home owners vulnerable to increases in interest rates and easily rattled by adverse developments in property markets.

But low inflation appears entrenched and the global economy skewed towards deflation, meaning rates are unlikely to rise significantly.

And, unlike the US for example, most Australians have variable rate home mortgages. The Reserve Bank can respond to fears that mortgagors can't meet their repayments by dropping rates.

For the past year the prudential regulator – alarmed by the rise in interest-only loans and fevered property speculation – has introduced tougher requirements on lenders limiting them to offering mortgages with a loan-to-valuation ratio of 80 per cent.

The majority of those paying off a mortgage – owner-occupiers and investors alike – have a buffer built in.


For many Australians, lower house prices would be a good thing. Isn't that the essence of improving housing affordability?

That is true but sharp drops – say in excess of 20 per cent in a year – would harm the real economy by hitting household confidence and consumer demand; discouraging home building and potentially undermining the financial system.

On this Turnbull is right, but only if house price falls are fast and furious.

The ideal, least disruptive way of boosting housing affordability is when housing prices are largely flat in nominal terms while incomes rise. Next best is a relatively moderate fall in prices as incomes hold up or rise slightly.

On the weight of evidence, this is the most likely scenario under Labor's plan.

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