

This was published 8 years ago

Fairfax-Ipsos poll: Voters feel the seven-month itch

By Peter Hartcher

Malcolm Turnbull promised there had never been a more exciting time, yet the honeymoon was an anticlimax, the voters have concluded.

And yet. Despite the high expectations, the let-downs left and right, the people remain in the relationship still, hoping for the best. This seems to sum up today's Fairfax-Ipsos poll.

The rival suitor, meanwhile, has gone from being largely ignored to winning the first hint of public interest. Bill Shorten is not yet a competitor, but he has been seen to have taken the field.

Turnbull's approval rating has fallen from a feverish 69 per cent in November to 55 per cent today.

Malcolm Turnbull begins his second six months as Prime Minister balancing election timing, and the scale of tax policy, while also carrying the weight of un-met expectations on social and environmental policy.

Malcolm Turnbull begins his second six months as Prime Minister balancing election timing, and the scale of tax policy, while also carrying the weight of un-met expectations on social and environmental policy.Credit: Andrew Meares

This comedown of 14 points, or one voter in every seven, equates to about 2.1 million adult Australians who approved of his performance four months ago but no longer. This is a precipitous fall for a leader who has done nothing offensive or outrageous.

The people, it seems, hold Turnbull guilty not of any crime of commission but for crimes of omission. The loss of popularity seems to have happened in two phases.

He lost his first seven approval points by disappointing people on the centre-left who had expected him to act on his long-standing reputation as a man who supports same-sex marriage and swifter action on climate change.


He lost the second seven in the past month by disappointing those on the centre-right. The dominant realisation in this time has been that Turnbull is not interested in an ambitious tax plan to boost growth.

"Without taking it too far, people like strong and clear leadership, and this month they haven't had that," interprets the Fairfax pollster, Jess Elgood, of Ipsos.

The expectations of Turnbull might have been unrealistically high, but they were real and so is the let-down.

Yet, where it matters most, the people are still in the relationship. On the question of voting intentions, the government still holds the loyalty of most voters, according to today's poll.

Taking the average of all the polls published by all the pollsters so far this month, including today's, gives the government a lead of about 52 per cent to Labor's 48.

But Shorten will be encouraged by today's poll. He has started to make modest progress in popularity against a man who, just a few short months ago, was greeted with messianic rapture.

He can now see there's a point to getting out of bed in the morning. And so can his caucus. This is an important point just now, the last sitting week before the federal budget, because it's likely to be the last chance for Labor to reconsider its leadership before the election.

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