

This was published 9 years ago

Dr No? Tony Abbott emerging as more of a Dr Maybe

By Mark Kenny

Harold Holt's obsequious "all the way with LBJ", line is almost the only thing for which the presidency of Lyndon Baines Johnson is remembered in Australia.

But among the ambitious in Canberra, the unfashionable replacement for the assassinated JFK is cited as leader who understood power's back-stage mechanicals, routinely giving ground or twisting arms in Congress to get things done.

Looking for a way through? Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

Looking for a way through? Prime Minister Tony Abbott.Credit: Andrew Meares

The reason for this historical reference? Partly it's the contrast to Barack Obama, and partly it's the challenge before Tony Abbott.

A gathering narrative on the current president frames him as an inspiring speechmaker, but one who doesn't do politics.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott with Environment Minister Greg Hunt on Monday.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott with Environment Minister Greg Hunt on Monday.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

Too often when he hits a roadblock, the argument goes, he just stops.

Even some Obama backers admit the intellectualism which propels him to soaring rhetorical heights also leaves him remote from legislators. And they say, he is strangely unwilling to soil his hands on Capitol Hill to get ahead. In sport they call this "winning ugly".

This oversimplification ignores the hard-won Obamacare reform and other achievements, but there's a kernel of truth too.

Obama's sharply declining support in voter-land and within the Democratic Party is being watched closely in Canberra.


And the lesson being drawn is that you get judged on what you do far more than what you say you'll do.

After years of blunt posturing, the winning ugly school of deal-making is making a subtle but important comeback.

There's Christopher Pyne's controversial higher education changes, Greg Hunt and Ian Macfarlane's negotiations on the Renewable Energy Target and Hunt's apparent progress towards getting Direct Action passed. Even Tony Abbott's vague but intensely consultative approach to possible federation reforms, shows a less confrontationist presentation. Partly this is the nature of intergovernmental relations, but Abbott's language has lately taken on a new, more pluralist tone. Federal reform faces a huge hurdle if it turns into a GST-raising venture but Abbott will happily let that run.

Cynics may well lament the rise of national security and terrorism – which has taken the "stinking carcass" budget off the front page - but the bipartisanship present in this area seems also to have reminded Abbott of two realities approaching the midway point of his first term: that public lecturing will not intimidate a populist-controlled Senate into submission; and the forgotten adage of politics that you catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

It is astounding to reflect that when Kevin Rudd was rebuffed twice by the Greens over his ill-fated Carbon Pollution Reduction Scheme, he had not once held face-to-face talks with its leader Bob Brown – leaving those negotiations to Penny Wong. If ever there as a moment to leverage the prestige of the office of prime minister, this was it. A similar thing had previously happened with the pivotal vote of Nick Xenophon on Murray Darling Basin Reform.

Last week, Abbott sat down to dinner with the new right-wing cross bench senators, Bob Day and David Leyonhjelm. It was to be Leyonhjelm's first such meeting. It followed a dinner the previous night with the DLP's John Madigan and Xenophon.

He also met with Christine Milne.

Abbott, it seems, has had an epiphany and now accepts that getting some of his program through must be the goal.

Inevitably, this will involve putting together majorities in the Senate on a bill-by-bill basis.

And speaking of bills, it will sometimes involve reaching out to Shorten.

Clearly, Shorten wants to remain in lock-step over security and Abbott appreciates that. In recent weeks he's praised the Opposition Leader as somebody he respects, and defended him as an Australian patriot when the Labor leader was being impugned by Hockey.

Labor is now talking about with the government about the RET and is doing so on the same basis as its terrorism stance: national interest. In this case, investment certainty needed for a viable clean energy sector.

Beyond that though, there are other possibilities. On the incendiary issue of boats for example, senior figures believe that if the much-loathed turn-back policy was working and had Indonesia's support, it could be retained by a future Labor government.

Suddenly, this is not so unthinkable.

The $7 GP co-payment looked doomed not so long ago and is still a long-shot but some in the government think it has a chance if the price can be lowered and or its application narrowed to protect the poor.

In education, which is much safer ground for Labor, Pyne wants to be the first senior minister to break through with serious post budget reforms. He is making the right noises but his challenge is diabolical because he needs the crossbenches including either all or most of the Palmer United Party bloc.

He would be doing well in any event, to outshine what one minister told me over the weekend was emerging as "the gold standard" performance of Hunt.

After steering through the abolition of the carbon price, Hunt, his colleague said, appeared to be on the verge of not merely saving the Renewable Energy Target from internal opponents including Abbott – by working with Labor- but also securing the numbers for Direct Action – by working with Xenophon and Clive Palmer.

Politically at least, that would be a feat worthy of the LBJ deal-making tradition. And it would be a big win for Abbott.

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