

This was published 9 years ago

Christopher Pyne splits the bill but merely doubles the defeat

By Mark Kenny Chief Political Correspondent

The indefatigable Christopher Pyne has done it again - proclaiming a shrewd tactical advance from what looms as another sickening defeat for a government growing fat on a diet of its words.

The Education Minister had responded to the Senate's blunt repudiation of his university deregulation package in late 2014 by announcing plans to instantly re-introduce the bills and to vigorously re-prosecute the arguments over summer in order to gather the votes needed. Determination. Energy. Flexibility. Consultation. If Pyne's demeanour was any guide, success was assured.

That summer has now come and gone, however, with no improvement in the bill's numbers. Not that it has slowed Pyne at all. On Monday he executed an almost total retreat on the package's most odious elements, while cheerily presenting his reversal as a constructive manouevre perfectly in tune with success.

The ebullient message? I have removed the hurdles and distractions for Labor and crossbench senators by presenting deregulation without encumbrances (to wit: a 20 per cent funding cut and a wholly indefensible threat to axe cooperative research funding).

Education Minister Christopher Pyne.

Education Minister Christopher Pyne.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

"I've made it easy for them by removing any cuts and putting them in a separate bill," he said.

"We could not have done more to meet the issues of the crossbench."

The previously crucial 20 per cent cut to Commonwealth Grants Scheme funding will now be "set aside for a separate debate at a later time," he said. This is code for dropped altogether except inasmuch as the cut will remain official government aspiration and thus be pointed to as a bookable saving in the budget, subject to Senate compliance.


Whereas last year's setback brought out the Winston Churchill in Pyne, "This is not the beginning of the end, this is the end of the beginning", Monday had him quoting everyone from Otto von Bismarck - as he sidestepped the own-goal disaster of threatening scientific-industry research funding - to Ataturk.

While other ministers have gold-bricked their way through the reform obstacle-course, Pyne at least has hit the field with action, and ceaseless optimism.

This approach has not been to everyone's tastes but even the "Brick with Eyes", newly independent Queensland senator Glenn Lazarus, has yielded under the pressure - finally becoming the brick with ears too as he agrees to listen to the minister.

Regrettably though, these concessions appear to be too little, too late, raising the question, why now?

Talks are continuing, but Pyne's five-minutes-to-midnight concession already has an air of desperation about it.

In the end, he may have merely split the bill so he can lose it twice.

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