

This was published 12 years ago

Changing stories on Slipper saga put Coalition in the frame

By Michelle Grattan

Regardless of whether there is any Coalition ''honey trap'' involved in the case of Peter Slipper's staffer James Ashby, there is certainly a sticky spider web and it is snaring prominent Liberals.

Mal Brough, a former Howard government minister who is set to restart his parliamentary career at the next election, has been caught out being misleading over what he knew of the Ashby matter.

Brough said a week ago he had no prior knowledge of Ashby's sexual harassment civil suit. Turns out, he counselled Ashby — with whom he had three meetings — about the staffer's allegations.

However Brough tries to spin it, and whatever the specifics of his knowledge, he knew a great deal and this has now come out.

Brough (who will take Slipper's seat) is aware this is not a good look for a man aspiring to be a senior figure in a future Coalition government. Integrity is important and this is a potential stain on his. Suddenly he is all over the media attempting to explain himself, and how he was just trying to help the ''distressed'' young man.

Brough insists he did not speak to opposition MPs, their staff or the Liberal National party about Ashby. It is very odd that he didn't.

Then there is Christopher Pyne, manager of opposition business in the House. During the week, Pyne said he could not recall, after having a drink with Ashby, asking another Slipper staffer for Ashby's contact details.

It is so unlike the usually sharp-as-a-tack Pyne to have a memory lapse. Unfortunately for him, there was an email, obtained by the National Times' Jessica Wright, to remind him of what he said he had forgotten.

Then there is the sudden opposition fondness during this affair for the word ''specific'', a lovely word when you want wriggle room.


Tony Abbott told the ABC on April 23: ''I had no specific knowledge of this [the Ashby action against Slipper] until I read the newspapers on Saturday morning. And to the best of my knowledge, no one in the Coalition had specific knowledge of this until they read the newspapers''.

And he told Alan Jones on April 24 he had ''no specific knowledge of any of this until I read it in the newspapers''. Which begs the question: what ''general'' knowledge was around?


By trying to conceal what they might have known and what they might have done, Liberal figures have put the opposition in the frame and weakened its attack on the government when parliament resumes next week. The moral is: guys, best to tell the WHOLE truth.

Brough insists he did not speak to opposition MPs, their staff or the Liberal National party about Ashby. It is very odd that he didn't.

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