

This was published 8 years ago

'We want a republic': Australia's states and territory leaders are united

By Tom Allard

State and territory leaders unanimously back Australia becoming a republic, meaning there is total support across the top two tiers of government for an Australian head of state.

However, division remains over when the switch should be made, even as the push grows for the process to start in 2020.

As part of a campaign by the Australian Republican Movement, seven of the eight leaders signed a declaration supporting the end of the constitutional monarchy.

The declaration posed the simple proposition that "Australia should have an Australian head of state".

Peter FitzSimons, chair of the Australian Republican Movement, says the overwhelming political support for a republic is hugely significant.

Peter FitzSimons, chair of the Australian Republican Movement, says the overwhelming political support for a republic is hugely significant.Credit: Andrew Meares

The only hold-out, WA Premier Colin Barnett, said he also supported a republic and expected it to happen in his lifetime.

However, he declined to endorse the ARM petition because he "did not think that the time is right .. to prosecute the argument for constitutional change".

ARM chairman Peter FitzSimons said the overwhelming political support for a republic was hugely significant.

"This is an indication to the Prime Minister," he said. "The significance of this is, if you want the majority of people from the majority of states [to back a republic in a referendum], well, the premiers and chief ministers are behind you. That's a hell of a start."


Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, the former head of the ARM who led the case for a new constitutional model in the unsuccessful 1999 referendum, has not changed his views.

But, to the disappointment of many republicans, he has stated that there are more important issues at present.

"The next occasion for the republic referendum to come up is going to be after the Queen's reign," he said last year.

Mr FitzSimons wants a plebiscite by 2020 asking if people want an Australian head of state. Such a national vote would "romp it home", he insists.

"If you have got the support of all the political infrastructure behind you, there's no question that you will get the mandate from the people and you will move forward on that."

The vote would be followed by a congress of political and community leaders to choose a preferred model for a republic.

He also wants the congress to pledge to support whatever model was democratically endorsed at a referendum.

Mr FitzSimons backs a minimalist republic model where the prime minister nominates the governor-general, which Parliament then approves. The governor-general would be head of state.

It would replace the current model which sees the governor-general appointed by the Queen on the recommendation of the prime minster. The British sovereign – Queen Elizabeth II – is Australia's head of state.

Others favour the direct election of a president of an Australian republic. A lack of agreement over the best republican model is widely seen as the reason the 1999 republic referendum failed.

ARM concedes that there are other pressing issues of national import but argues it doesn't preclude a move to a republic. It disagrees with the notion of waiting until the Queen dies or abdicates.

"There are 54 Commonwealth nations. Under the Queen's watch, 33 have become republics," said Mr FitzSimons. "They are still a part of the Commonwealth of Nations. They are still going to the Commonwealth Games. The Queen hasn't fallen over."

ARM has seen a quadrupling in membership over the past 12 months.

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