

This was published 9 years ago

Treasurer Scott Morrison pours cold water on penalty rate cut talk

By Latika Bourke

Treasurer Scott Morrison has poured cold water on the idea of the government trying to cut Sunday penalty rates, saying its priority is fixing the tax system.

Unions vowed on Monday to unleash a "fierce" campaign, reminiscent of the anti-WorkChoices Your Rights at Work operation if the government were to attempt to cut Sunday penalties.

The ACTU's threat was in response to cabinet minister Josh Frydenberg saying the government should look at cutting Sunday top-ups because doing so could be good for the economy and jobs.

But Mr Morrison said his priority is the tax system and not industrial relations reform.

"We're not going to allow ... just decisions to tumble out of the sky": Scott Morrison.

"We're not going to allow ... just decisions to tumble out of the sky": Scott Morrison.Credit: Mark Graham

"We're in a low-wage-growth environment at the moment, and I think the thing that is principally undermining the performance of our economy currently is largely about how the tax system interfaces, and it's also how the benefits work with the tax systems," the Treasurer told Melbourne radio station 3AW.

He appeared to take aim at Mr Frydenberg for floating such a politically sensitive topic that was not a cabinet policy.

"There's a Productivity Commission review process on those issues, and under this government we're not going to allow ... decisions to tumble out of the sky," he told host Neil Mitchell.

The Productivity Commission, in its draft review, backed retaining penalty rates but said Sunday double time should be brought in line with the maximum Saturday rate of time and a half for retail and hospitality workers. This is the view backed by small business lobby the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Resources Minister Josh Frydenberg said cutting Sunday penalty rates could spur economic growth.

Resources Minister Josh Frydenberg said cutting Sunday penalty rates could spur economic growth.Credit: Andrew Meares

The federal opposition on Monday revived it's class-war tactics by accusing Mr Turnbull of being out of touch because of his wealth.

"It's been a long time since he's had difficulties paying a bill," Labor workplace spokesman Brendan O'Connor said.

"He should talk to people that are having difficulty making ends meet," Mr O'Connor told reporters in Brisbane.

"What we've seen in the last week is Malcolm Turnbull, current Prime Minister, former merchant banker, friend of big business, unilaterally make a comment to cut penalty rates for retail and hospitality workers in this country," he said.

"Isn't it so typical of the Liberal Party to consider whacking millions of Australian workers, stealing money from those workers in order to find solutions to employment opportunities for people?"

Prospect of sweeping budget cuts played down

Mr Morrison said he wanted to spur economic growth and would consider any proposal aimed at achieving this outcome.

These included proposals relating to previous political no-go zones such as superannuation concessions for the wealthy and expanding the goods and services tax.

"The opportunity which has come with the change in Canberra I think means we can ensure that we would never do anything which would impede Australians from saving for their future," he said.

"But equally, anything that's going to achieve the outcome is what I'm interested in."

The Treasurer said the "old politics" of a few weeks ago and the past seven years had "unnecessarily stymied" reform.

He also played down the prospect of savage budget cuts, saying restraining spending growth into the future was the focus.

"It's not about cuts, it's about control," he said.

Labor said it would oppose "bad policy" such as cuts to the pension and family benefits but would consider "sensible" proposals.

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