

This was published 8 years ago

The debate over mandatory bicycle helmet laws is still stirring passions

By Adam Gartrell

They've been in place for 25 years but it seems Australia's mandatory bike helmet laws are still stoking passions and stirring controversy.

The helmet laws have emerged as the surprise focus of federal Parliament's so-called "nanny state" inquiry.

Senator David Leyonhjelm at Parliament House.

Senator David Leyonhjelm at Parliament House.Credit: Andrew Meares

Set up by libertarian senator David Leyonhjelm​, the inquiry is examining a wide array of laws and regulations that may be seen to unnecessarily impinge on people's freedoms.

"I thought the Sydney lock-out laws would be the big one," Senator Leyonhjelm said. "I didn't think we would get swamped by the helmets."

Illustration: Matt Golding.

Illustration: Matt Golding.

Australia was the first country to impose mandatory bike helmet laws in the early 1990s to prevent serious head injuries; very few other nations have followed suit. About half of the 400 submissions made to the inquiry so far focus on helmets, many of them from people who want the laws relaxed or scrapped.

Some complain about the inconvenience, saying many more people would use bikes – delivering increased health, traffic and environmental benefits – if helmets were not mandatory.

Others complain about a loss of civil liberties and the diversion of police resources to enforce helmet use. Still others complain about discomfort from sweating and ruined hairstyles.

One submission makes the point that a woman can legally smoke 40 cigarettes a day throughout a pregnancy.


"Yet after birth if the baby is put on the back of a pushbike without a helmet suddenly the concern for the child's health is paramount," it says.

The inquiry also heard from the mayor of Fremantle, Brad Pettitt, who says the most effective way to get people on to bikes would be to allow people to go helmet-free on cycle paths and low-speed roads.

One woman says she was a "conscientious objector" to the laws when they were first introduced because she believed them to be misguided. She was repeatedly fined but refused to pay and was eventually briefly jailed.

She subsequently gave up cycling altogether.

But a joint submission by the Australasian College of Road Safety, The Australian Injury Prevention Network and the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons says the evidence is clear and overwhelming that bike helmets reduce the risk of serious head injuries.

"Recent survey results support claims that the anti-helmet lobby is not a realistic or objective representation of the general public's point of view. Surveys suggest the overwhelming majority of Australians are supportive of our government's laws to regulate the wearing of bicycle helmets."

Kidsafe says helmet laws are of "critical importance" in the reduction of road trauma for children and do not impinge upon personal liberties.

Australian Bureau of Statistics data shows that 1.15 million people regularly cycle in Australia – about 6.2 per cent of the population.

Vicroads says Victoria's helmet laws resulted in a 16 per cent reduction in head injuries when they were introduced in 1990.

But a 2011 study by the Cycling Promotion Fund and the Heart Foundation did find 16.5 per cent of Australians were deterred from riding more often because they have to wear a helmet.

Newcastle academic Jai Cooper takes the laws very seriously indeed, saying the helmet laws reflect Australia's "velophobia" – the fear of cycling.

"The laws exemplify the application of Hobbesian​ notions of human nature and the control of an unruly population by a Leviathan state," he says. "Helmet laws are thus an easily visible means to panoptically​ control the cycling population."

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