

This was published 10 years ago

Terror risk high: Tony Abbott announces increase in National Terrorism Public Alert System

By Latika Bourke and Lisa Cox

Australia's terror threat level has been raised from medium to high, meaning a terror attack on home soil is now officially considered "likely".

The nation's outgoing spy chief ASIO Director General David Irvine says an attack could manifest itself in a "Bali-style attack, although Prime Minister Tony Abbott said on Friday that the agencies had not detected any "particular plots".

Mr Abbott expressed confidence that the authorities are "smarter than terrorists and would be terrorists," and would remain "one step ahead" of their malice.

Mr Abbott made the much anticipated announcement at a media conference with the Attorney-General George Brandis and Mr Irvine four days after the ASIO chief flagged the escalation.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott on Friday, with ASIO Director General David Irvine and AFP Commissioner Andrew Colvin.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott on Friday, with ASIO Director General David Irvine and AFP Commissioner Andrew Colvin.Credit: Luis Ascui

Mr Abbott stressed that raising the terror threat level did not mean a terror attack was "imminent" but said it meant there are people in Australia with the "intent and capability" to carry out at terror attack.

He said it would "not make any difference to daily life" for the vast majority of Australians but it would mean "more security" at airports, ports, military bases, public buildings and large public events, including the upcoming AFL Grand Finals. But he said football fans should not be deterred from attending the games.

"Normal life in Australia can and must go on," he said. "We want people to go about their normal lives and we certainly want to people to enjoy the football if their teams are lucky enough to be in the grand final," he said.


Acting Australian Federal Police Commissioner Andrew Colvin said sports fans "fortunate enough" to have tickets to the grand final should still attend as police have "well worked" plans for securing major matches.

The PM and AFP Commissioner ahead of Friday's announcement in Melbourne.

The PM and AFP Commissioner ahead of Friday's announcement in Melbourne.Credit: Luis Ascui

"You may expect to see heightened police presence but it won't be intrusive, I'm sure," he said.

Mr Abbott also said a "modest information campaign" would begin within weeks.

PM Tony Abbott watches as ASIO chief David Irvine explains the increase in terror threat level.

PM Tony Abbott watches as ASIO chief David Irvine explains the increase in terror threat level. Credit: Luis Ascui

Mr Irvine said the events in the Middle East over recent months had activated people at home who support the extremism propagated by ISIL militants in Iraq and Syria.

He said 60 to 70 Australians were among the 10,000 foreign fighters fighting alongside the terrorists in Iraq and Syria and some had returned home.

"The rhetoric that is now coming out of the Middle East which is encouraging Australians to take violent action … increases the possibility of attacks here, and so we see an increase particularly in intent," he said. Mr Irvine warned returning fighters could be intending on trying to carry out a Bali-style attack but warned it could also be a "lone-wolf" type of incident.

"It could manifest itself in a Bali-type attack or it could manifest itself in the various other sorts of attacks from loners through to small groups to large activities such as Bali that we've seen elsewhere in the world," he said. Prime Minister Abbott predicted any Australian contribution to air strikes against ISILfighters would see the rhetoric increase but said that would be an excuse not and the reason for the increased threat posed to Australia.

Attorney-General George Brandis stressed the Australian Muslims are the "victims" of the "wicked people" "preying" upon young men, recruiting them to fight in wars in the Middle East. Police raided an Islamic bookshop in Brisbane this week and arrested two men who have both been charged with terrorism-related offences.

Australia has been at a 'medium' level of alert since the four levels of national terrorism alert were introduced in 2003. The highest level is "extreme" and is only used when a terrorist attack is either "imminent" or has occurred.

Mr Abbott said the Director General raised the terror threat on Thursday night, leading the government to raise the public alert level on Friday. Mr Irvine said he had been considering raising the threat level for the past six months. Last month Britain raised its alert level to "severe".

The Premiers and Chief Ministers were briefed an hour before the Prime Minister's media conference. Opposition Leader Bill Shorten was also briefed.

A 'bipartisan issue'

Speaking to the media on Friday, Mr Shorten said Labor supported the decision by security agencies to raise the terror threat.

Mr Shorten emphasised that national security was a bipartisan issue and said repeatedly that he and Mr Abbott were "partners" on the subject.

He backed sentiments expressed by the Prime Minister that the change in the terror alert level would not impact on the daily lives of most Australians.

"When it comes to fighting terrorism we are in this together," he said.

Mr Shorten also welcomed the "leadership" from President Obama in "responding to the atrocities that we are seeing in northern Iraq and Syria".

"This is not a distant crisis for us, it is absolutely in our national interest that ISIL be defeated," he said.

"I thank the Prime Minister for his willingness to engage with the opposition

"The Prime Minister and I are partners when it comes to national security, which is exactly what Australians expect of us."

Complacency the enemy

At a media conference in Sydney, Premier Mike Baird noted that the increased security arrangements were about combating crime and were not targeting religion.

NSW Police Commissioner Andrew Scipione said was more at risk than other cities because of its population size and iconic landmarks.

He said security would be stepped up around locations such as the , but also at "soft targets" such as crowded shopping centres.

"Complacency is our greatest enemy," he said.

Victorian Premier Denis Napthine said the increase in the terror alert was a "prudent and precautionary measure to ensure we are prepared for any eventuality".

He said Victoria's State Crisis and Resilience Council had met as "a matter of course" to review and update security procedures in line with the new alert level.

"On police advice, it isbusiness in their normal way," Mr Napthine said.

No specific plot

Queensland Premier Campbell Newman said although there was no advice specific plot for a terrorist attack on Australian soil, the "body of intelligence" indicated that there were people who would contemplate such crimes.

"I want Queenslanders to understand and know and be confident that the government, the Queensland police service, the federal authorities, the Australian Federal Police, are doing everything they can to make sure that we remain a safe place for everyone and actually people should be comforted again by this action," he said.

Greens leader Christine Milne said while the party accepted the advice of ASIO, any military involvement in Iraq and Syria would increase the risk of an attack in Australia.

"We cannot bring Australians together and combat extremism at home by blindly following the

"It is not as simple as extremists hating us because of our way of life. They are also fuelled by our past engagement in Iraq with the Coalition of the Willing. Fighting US-led Western imperialism is a rallying call for jihadists."


The National Security Hotline is 1800 123 400 and more information is available at

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