

This was published 8 years ago

States could collect income tax under radical plan backed by Malcolm Turnbull

By Michael Koziol

States and territories would collect a portion of the nation's income tax for the first time since World War II under a radical proposal being driven by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull.

In what he labelled "the most fundamental reform to the federation in generations", the Commonwealth would lower income tax by a given amount and allow the states to make up the difference.

"We, the federal government, will reduce our federal income tax by an agreed percentage and allow state governments to levy an income tax equal to that amount," Mr Turnbull proposed.

The Commonwealth would then withdraw from a number of the existing grant programs by which it redistributes income taxes to the states and territories. There would be no increase in income tax from the taxpayers' point of view, the Prime Minister said.

Malcolm Turnbull, pictured at the new Penrith Panthers Rugby League Academy, described the tax plan as "the most fundamental reform to the federation in generations".

Malcolm Turnbull, pictured at the new Penrith Panthers Rugby League Academy, described the tax plan as "the most fundamental reform to the federation in generations".Credit: Daniel Munoz

"This, we believe, is the only way that we can genuinely reform our federation. It will give the states real financial autonomy," he said.

The proposal will be put up for discussion at a meeting of the Council of Australian Governments in Canberra later this week. It has been almost 75 years since the states have been granted the ability to collect their own income tax. The Prime Minister said the proposal was "something we have been working on for some time" and work would be done "over the next few years" to make it happen.

State governments primarily provide expensive public infrastructure programs such as health, education and transport, while the federal government raises the bulk of the taxation revenue - referred to as the vertical fiscal imbalance. That has led to states being dependent on revenue streams from the Commonwealth and regularly demanding a greater share of the proceeds from income tax or the goods and services tax.


Mr Turnbull said he wanted to end the "depressing blame game" that led state premiers to "go cap-in-hand to Canberra" each year demanding more money. It would also make state governments more accountable and help the public better understand which level of government was responsible for various services, he suggested.

Treasurer Scott Morrison is preparing to hand down his first budget.

Treasurer Scott Morrison is preparing to hand down his first budget.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

"We've got to recognise that that is the core problem," he said. "The states do not raise enough of the revenue that they spend. They're not accountable enough in the way a government should be."

Mr Turnbull said he envisaged that initially, the states would agree to levy an income tax rate commensurate with the amount which the Commonwealth was withdrawing. But in the longer term, they would be free to reduce it or increase it.

"If a state government, over time, wants to raise more money by lifting tax, it will be answerable to the public," the Prime Minister said.

Smaller states such as South Australia and Tasmania would not be disadvantaged because of their smaller revenue-raising capacities. "We can manage that," Mr Turnbull said.

A similar idea was floated by the National Commission of Audit, a review of the Commonwealth commissioned by former prime minister Tony Abbott. Under that proposal, the federal government would cut the marginal income tax rate to 22.5 per cent from 32.5 per cent, allowing states and territories to levy the remaining 10 per cent (or more, or less, potentially). But Mr Abbott declined to pursue the concept, saying he wanted "lower, simpler, fairer taxes" rather than what he called "double taxation".

Treasurer Scott Morrison said on Wednesday that the COAG discussions would be part of an "ongoing dialogue" about how to repair the relationship between the states and the Commonwealth.

"I'm a pragmatist on all these issues," he said. "It is about trying to fix the problem, and the problem is you've got to be able to manage your increase in costs and how you are going to pay for them. You can't pay for something with nothing."

Mr Morrison indicated the federal government did not want workers to end up being slugged with higher taxes as a result of any proposed change.

"The Commonwealth will continue to engage on the basis that these reforms do not increase the overall tax burden," he said.

Other government frontbenchers also hinted at their support for the proposal and spoke against the status quo. "It ends up being a game of blame shifting," Transport Minister Darren Chester told Sky News. "The Australian public actually find it very difficult to know who's responsible for what."

The chairman of Mr Abbott's National Commission of Audit Tony Shepherd said the proposal was a "great reform" that would give the states responsibility and authority over revenue, and stop them "having to go every year in that demeaning, cap-in-hand trip to Canberra for money".

"The states have most of the responsibility for delivery of services and infrastructure, and yet they produce very little of the taxation necessary to fund it," he told ABC Radio National on Wednesday. "The vertical fiscal imbalance is what is killing the federation."

States: Immediate problem still stands

State and territory leaders have reacted cautiously to the idea, which would need to be fleshed out at the meeting of federal and state leaders.

NSW Premier Mike Baird said while he had not seen a formal proposal the state was happy to consider the idea.

"While I have historically argued for a share of income tax for the states, this has not involved increasing the income tax burden on Australian households, which already have among the highest income tax rates in the world," he said.

"These matters can be considered in the longer term. What is required right now is a partnership between the Commonwealth and the States for the health and education services we need."

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews dismissed the income tax plan as a thought bubble.

"The focus of Friday's COAG is to address the $80 billion of Malcolm Turnbull's cuts to health and education," Mr Andrews said.

"As far as Victoria is concerned, Friday will not be about tax policy thought bubbles."

Earlier on Wednesday the Premier released the Royal Commission into Family Violence vowing to talk to the Commonwealth and other states about the need for a national approach to the problem.

Mr Andrews said he spoke to Mr Turnbull on Wednesday morning.

South Australia Premier Jay Weatherill said it could "create confusion" if states were allowed to set different rates of income tax, while Western Australia Premier Colin Barnett indicated he was open to the prospect.

Australian Capital Territory Chief Minister Andrew Barr said he was "relaxed" about the concept, while Northern Territory Chief Minister Adam Giles warned there could be a "race to the bottom".

Mr Shepherd disagreed, suggesting that Australia instead has "a tendency to race for mediocrity".

Any state or territory government that raised taxes too high, or reduced taxes too much and sacrificed services and infrastructure, would swiftly feel the wrath of the voters, he said.

"I think we can rely on the electorate and its commonsense," he said. "The states will always want more money. This makes them more directly responsible for raising the money they need."

Returning income tax powers to the states was also recommended by the libertarian Institute for Public Affairs in its paper Be like Gough: 75 Radical Ideas to Transform Australia.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten ruled out Labor taking up the proposal, calling it a "bad idea" designed to throw the burden for health and hospitals funding back on to the states.

Shadow treasurer Chris Bowen said it was akin to "double taxation" and that "even Tony Abbott" had the sense to reject the idea when it was proposed by the Commission of Audit.


with Sean Nicholls, Richard Willingham, Melanie Kembrey

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