

This was published 15 years ago

Abbott - not the greatest, but a fighter

By Martin Flanagan

PLAYING first-grade rugby as a prop for Sydney University at the age of 19, Tony Abbott, the newly elected leader of the Liberal Party, received more than his fair share of foul blows. I understand. I played football for the University of Tasmania during the Vietnam war. We learnt all about fear on the football field.

Eventually, ''Abo'', as he is known to his mates, went off with a couple of others and sought instruction in boxing. A few years later, while drinking in a pub with a group of friends at Oxford, it was put on Abbott that he should fill the vacancy for a heavyweight in the university boxing team. By closing time, it seemed a good idea, but considerably less so when he woke the following morning with a hangover. What happened next is possibly the most intriguing part of the story.

Among Abbott's friends at Oxford was a ''most unusual Jesuit'' from America who took his vow of poverty so seriously he dressed in clothes that had belonged to other priests who had died. He was also a boxer. When Abbott arrived at the gym to declare his unavailability for the Oxford team, he was met by the Jesuit who had gone out and bought him a skipping rope. To a man committed to a life of poverty, a skipping rope represents a major financial outlay. This is like one of those moments in a medieval tale, possibly a comedy, when the knight's honour is engaged. Abbott then believed he had no choice.

In his first bout, against Cambridge, he knocked his opponent out cold in 45 seconds. His second, against a cadet officer from Sandhurst Royal Military College, was also over in the first round. His third bout, against a marine who had fought in the Falklands War and "a much bigger man", was won by Abbott on a TKO when his opponent took his fifth standing count in the second round.

In the fourth and final fight of his career, he triumphed for the second time over a Cambridge man - the bout again being stopped in the first round.

I interviewed Abbott in 2001 and, naturally, pursued the matter of his boxing career. Was he scared when he entered the ring? "Terrified," he said. ''It's one of those things you make yourself do.''

What was his best punch? ''The left swipe,'' he replied. For people who don't know about boxing, this is an admission he didn't have a best punch. He relied on a tactic he called "the whirling dervisher'', physically overwhelming his opponents with the sheer volume and velocity of his assault.

From Oxford, Abbott received an unusual double. Having initially tried to wing it, he applied himself to the study of politics and philosophy and eventually found he could hold his own in intellectual combat on the page - the keys being the use of lucid English to construct clear lines of thought.

Before I met him, I read up on a lot of his journalism and was surprised at how good it was. Abbott is a fine practitioner of political journalism. I told him as much. I also said I thought his friend Piers Akerman was a thug. He bounced slightly at the suggestion, then said, "He has - a certain role to play.'' Yes, I said, but there's no one playing the same role on the other side.

The second part of Abbott's Oxford double was the knowledge that comes from having been in a boxing ring, to have nakedly faced a certain fear all men possess about how to defend themselves if attacked. No one should underestimate the fear boxers go through.


During a lead-up bout to the Danny Green fight on Wednesday night, one of the commentators described boxing this way: "You break the will of the other man. You make it so that he doesn't want to be there."

Steve Waugh, a gladiator who channelled his instincts through cricket, was interviewed ringside. He called boxing "the ultimate sport".

The standard of the sport where Abbott fought was no doubt laughably beneath that of Wednesday night, but the fact is he still got into the ring. Men die in the ring. So Abbott has done that. Not only did Abbott do that, he won. What did he learn in the ring? To overcome his fear with indiscriminate aggression.

Abbott's full of contradictions. He is a Catholic who supports the monarchy. He was a seminarian studying for the Catholic priesthood while believing he had fathered a child out of wedlock. He told me he believed not so much in God but the house of God on earth, the Roman Catholic Church. His faith seemed to be in the institution. I imagine he would have similar regard for the parliament, but he is also the man who helped defeat the republican referendum by arguing that politicians, the human face of the parliament, can't be trusted.

He once faced up to a Labor MP two weeks after giving a speech saying parliamentarians needed to treat one another with more compassion. Abbott's critics say he claims to be a Christian but he doesn't act like one. But he's not a hypocrite, or not to me. Sitting among his many contradictions is an unusual candour.

His critics say he has poor judgment. There's plenty of evidence for that. Two weeks ago, he dismissed global warming science as crap. Now he dismisses that dismissal as hyperbole. Very dangerous thing, hyperbole, on a matter as serious as global warming.

When I did the article on Abbott, one Liberal told me the possibility of Abbott becoming leader was in the mind of the media alone. But when I spoke to former aide David Oldfield, he was far shrewder. ''It's all a matter of time and place,'' he said.

It was after Abbott discovered Oldfield had been setting up One Nation from his office that he launched his onslaught against One Nation.

Most people I've spoken to since Tuesday think Abbott's election as Opposition Leader is a disaster for the Liberals. I don't. No one, friend or foe, should take Tony Abbott lightly.

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