

This was published 8 years ago

'Smokers are Labor voters': Labor Senator hits out at Bill Shorten's tobacco plan

By Latika Bourke

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has rejected suggestions the ALP's new tobacco excise policy is "anti-people" after a West Australian Labor Senator took him to task over the plan.

After waking up to his worst ever polling results, Mr Shorten might have expected solace in the one place where his approval ratings could be expected to exceed 15 per cent, but the Opposition Leader's day was only going to get worse.

A fortnight ago, Fairfax Media revealed the Labor party's major tax reform policy would centre on a $47 billion tax grab by hitting smokers with higher taxes through to 2020. By this time, under the Labor plan, cigarettes would cost $40 a packet.

The policy was confirmed on Tuesday and unveiled to caucus to a mixed reception.

Labor health spokeswoman Catherine King, Opposition Leader Bill Shorten and shadow treasurer Chris Bowen on Tuesday.

Labor health spokeswoman Catherine King, Opposition Leader Bill Shorten and shadow treasurer Chris Bowen on Tuesday.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The right wing Senator from WA, Joe Bullock, took Mr Shorten to task, pointing out that smokers are traditionally those on lower incomes and likely Labor voters. Why would we want to hurt our own voters, Senator Bullock wondered aloud.

Later, Senator Bullock declined to comment and referred all questions on the policy to Mr Shorten.

The Opposition Leader said his policy was not "anti-people".


"I think, deep down, this passes the sort of commonsense test," Mr Shorten said.

"This argument, which is often used by big tobacco, says somehow making people pay more for cigarettes is anti-poor people.

"I don't buy the argument that somehow making people pay more for tobacco is anti-people. It is actually pro kids not learning to smoke when they are young."

"It is making it harder for people to smoke. It makes it easier if you have an addiction to weigh up the considerations of
actually giving up."

Mr Shorten said there was a challenge for parliamentarians in how the health and education systems were funded. Asked if Labor would consider increasing taxes on alcohol, Mr Shorten did not rule out the idea.

"In terms of that, we are focusing on this as our priority, the tobacco proposition. We are not announcing any other taxes today or in the near future," he said.

Increasing tobacco taxes by 12.5 per cent four more times until 2020 would reap $47.7 billion in revenue over 10 years, according to the Parliamentary Budget Office.

Opposition sources told Fairfax Media the revenue would be used to pay for the Labor Party's commitment to the so-called Gonski reforms for school funding.

The source, familiar with focus groups, predicted minimal political damage from the policy announcement, saying even smokers tested in the focus groups supported higher excises.

Mr Shorten predicted the move could even increase his polling numbers: "I predict talking about the tobacco
excise will be received on balance pretty well," he said.

Treasurer Scott Morrison said Labor's tax policy exposed the opposition as "fringe dwellers".

"In the year of ideas they've barely managed a bubble," he said.

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