By Dan Harrison
Liberal Senator Cory Bernardi has suggested legalising same sex marriage would lead to demands for bestiality and polyamory to also be sanctioned.
Speaking in Parliament last night on a gay marriage bill sponsored by four Labor senators, Senator Bernardi said the push for same-sex marriage was part of an attack on "our enduring institutions".
"It is another chip in the fabric of our social mores," he said.
"The time has come to ask, when will it end? If we are prepared to redefine marriage . . . what is the next step?"
"The next step . . . is having three people that love each other should be able to enter into a permanent union endorsed by society, or four people.
"There are even some creepy people out there . . . who say that it's OK to have consensual sexual relations between humans and animals. Will that be a future step?"
Labor Senator Helen Polley also spoke against the bill. She said two thirds of the correspondence she had received on the issue had urged her to oppose the change. She read aloud a letter from a constituent which said same sex marriage could "create another stolen generation by putting adult desires above the needs of children".
But another Labor Senator, Doug Cameron, said arguments about children being disadvantaged by being brought up be same sex couples "denies the reality of some children facing absolutely terrible lives with heterosexual couples".
He said marriage was "a constantly changing institution".
"It's not about setting aside the history of civilisation . . . it's about learning the lessons of history. It's about evolving," he said.
Labor Senator John Faulkner said the debate was not really about the value of marriage, or its role in society.
"It is a debate on the simple question of whether it is right for a government to deny some of its citizens access to a secular, government-recognised status on the basis of the gender of the person they choose to share their life with," he said.
"Removing this last legacy of discrimination against some of our fellow citizens affects no one but them," he said."Recognising their rights curtails the rights of no one else."
Greens Senator Scott Ludlam said: "If you're opposed to gay marriage, don't have one. but it's a right we believe should be afforded to those who would choose it."
He said allowing gay couples to marry would reduce homophobia.