

This was published 9 years ago

Royal commissioner Dyson Heydon claims he 'overlooked' connection to Liberal Party

By Anna Patty

The besieged head of the inquiry into trade union corruption has been forced to interrupt hearings to issue an extraordinary explanation over how he "overlooked" the Liberal Party's connection to an event he had agreed to speak at.

Royal commissioner Dyson Heydon said he was approached on April 10 last year to give a speech at the sixth annual Sir Garfield Barwick Address in Sydney later this month.

However, when he received a follow up email in March this year he did not recognise that the event was organised by the Liberal Party.

"I overlooked the connection between the person or persons organising the event and the Liberal Party which had been stated in the email of 10 April of 2014," Mr Heydon said.

Claims he "overlooked" the Liberal Party's connection to the Garfield Barwick Address: Dyson Heydon.

Claims he "overlooked" the Liberal Party's connection to the Garfield Barwick Address: Dyson Heydon.Credit: Renee Nowyarger

"I also overlooked the fact my agreement to speak at that time had been conditional on the work of the commission being completed before that time."

Mr Heydon said last year that he would be "amenable" to delivering the address if the royal commission had finished its work. The commission was due to make its final report in December last year but was later extended for 12 months.

Mr Heydon has faced sustained calls to step aside after Fairfax Media revealed that he had agreed to address the lecture, which is also a Liberal Party fundraiser.


On Sunday he refused to release documents relating to the event.

But on Monday Mr Heydon revealed he had received an email from Gregory Burton, the chair of professional engagement for a lawyer branch of the NSW Liberal Party on April 10 last year which declared that the lawyer branch is formally a branch of the party, but its aim was to be a "liberal minded bridge to the profession rather than overtly party political."

"Although we trust we show the party in a favourable light!," the email said.

"The email of the 10th of April did not state and I did not understand from it that the Sir Garfield Address was in any sense a fundraiser for the Liberal Party," Mr Heydon said. "The email stated that it was organised by a body which I was told was 'one of the lawyer branches of the Liberal Party NSW division' which had a focus on ... professional engagement."

Mr Heydon said he did not think about the address in 2014 until he was reminded about it in March this year.

He said he looked at details of when and where the event was to be held but did not open email attachments that detailed the fundraiser because he was busy with the royal commission's hearings.

Last week he said he could no longer attend after it was made clear it was a fundraising event.

The ACTU interrupted the royal commission's hearing on Monday to try to force the Mr Heydon to disqualify himself from the commission on the grounds of bias.

It made a successful application for documents including emails relating to his agreement to speak at the fundraiser. The emails show that Mr Heydon had planned to speak about the "judicial stature" of Sir Garfield Barwick "viewed in modern perspective".

The ACTU's barrister Robert Newlinds SC said it wanted the documents ahead of making another application for Mr Heydon to disqualify himself from the proceedings.

Appearing impatient, Mr Heydon questioned Mr Newlinds' legal standing to make the application. The ACTU has not appeared before the commission and is not among unions named as part of the terms of reference for the royal commission's inquiry.

The ACTU has affiliations to trade unions that have been named as part of the royal commission's terms of reference and have appeared before the royal commission. But it has not appeared before it as an entity in its own right.

When the issue was raised again at the commission at 1.30pm, Mr Newlinds said he had no further instructions from the ACTU about whether he should proceed with the second application.

Senior counsel assisting Jeremy Stoljar said: "this is degenerating into a shambles... on the part of the ACTU".

Mr Stoljar said Mr Newlinds' application to be excused "smacks of grandstanding".

Mr Newlinds said "the last thing I have tried to do is to grandstand or make this a farce".

"I haven't had sufficient time to give considered advice," he said.

​Mr Heydon adjourned the matter till 4pm after Mr Newlinds asked for a week to prepare a response.

Earlier, Mr Heydon questioned Mr Newlinds about his intentions.

"Don't you think that is rather irresponsible to come before a busy body of inquiry?

"I will accept that it may not be in a position to give you instructions yet, but surely there must be some, at least, idea what sort of relief may be sought.

"What is the point of this time being taken up?"

Union seeks time

Outside the royal commission, ACTU secretary Dave Oliver said the union needed more time to assess the documents it obtained.

"The documentation we were given shows firstly that Justice Dyson Heydon has admitted that the event was a Liberal Party event. Secondly, he was also aware that he had a conflict of interest at the time he was invited," Mr Oliver said.

"We have a genuine concern that he appears to be biased and we would expect commissioner Heydon to give the unions time to consider the evidence and time to determine what our next course of action should be."

Asked if the ACTU would prefer Mr Heydon to stay on so that unions could discredit his final report due at the end of this year, Mr Oliver said it was up to Tony Abbott to fix the problem. He said the question that needed to be asked is "how long is Tony Abbott going to stand behind Dyson Heydon".

At 4pm, Mr Heydon said a hearing would be listed conditionally at 10am on Friday if the ACTU pursues an application for his disqualification.

Mr Newlinds said he would let him know immediately "if we form a view not to bring an application".

Labor, the Greens and unions have publicly demanded the government shut down the royal commission after dramatic revelations last week that Heydon, a former high court judge, was due to speak at a Liberal party fundraiser.

Heydon, a former high court judge, announced on Thursday last week he would pull out of the event, but indicated he could be available after he completed his work as royal commissioner.

Education Minister Christopher Pyne, who defended Mr Heydon against Labor's attacks last week, told Sky News on Monday Mr Heydon would not have assumed the Sir Garfield Barwick lecture was a Liberal Party fundraiser.

"A justice of the High Court would assume it was an address about the law," he said.

"I think commonsense should prevail on this matter.

"And what Labor's trying to do, which is what they always try and do, is wreck the royal commission into trade union corruption because they are embarrassed about its findings."

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