

This was published 8 years ago

Republic push: Study into monarchy backs Tony Abbott's view that Australians oppose constitutional change

By Heath Aston

Academic research into Australians' attitudes to the British monarchy spanning 50 years of survey data has backed Tony Abbott's view that public sentiment for a republic is not strong enough to force change, particularly among young adults.

A paper published in the Australian Journal of Political Science found no significant difference in support for the Queen and the royal family between a 20 year-old and an 80 year-old Australian today.

The strongest pocket of republicanism is the group of people who were aged between 12 and 18 during the dismissal of Labor prime minister Gough Whitlam.

That cohort includes the current head of the Australian Republican Movement, Peter FitzSimons who was born in 1961.

Then prime minister Tony Abbott farewells Prince George of Cambridge, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, on the final day of the royal tour of Australia in 2014.

Then prime minister Tony Abbott farewells Prince George of Cambridge, Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge and Prince William, Duke of Cambridge, on the final day of the royal tour of Australia in 2014.Credit: Alex Ellinghausen

The research, conducted by Sydney University PHD student Luke Mansillo, uses academic surveys going back to 1967 and builds on the 1993 study of political scientist Clive Bean.

Professor Bean found falling support for the monarchy as the British royal family was being rocked by scandals such as the 1992 "toe-sucking" episode involving the Duchess of York, Sarah Ferguson.

But Mr Mansillo's identified a rebound in support for the monarchy after the 1999 republic referendum was rejected at the ballot box.


In 1998, 34 per cent believed that Australia should "definitely become a republic" but by 2013 that had fallen to 26 per cent.

Peter FitzSimons, chair of the Australian Republican Movement.

Peter FitzSimons, chair of the Australian Republican Movement.Credit: Andrew Meares

The study found the Whitlam generation - those who were "socialised" in the decade up to 1975 - is the only cohort which shows "overt negative attitudes towards the monarchy" today.

Despite calls for a renewed push for a republic by Australian of the Year David Morrison, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, the former republican crusader, this week said the time would not be right while the Queen remains on the throne.

Whitlam's dismissal in 1975 appears to have motivated a generation of republicans.

Whitlam's dismissal in 1975 appears to have motivated a generation of republicans.

Mr Abbott split with that view on Thursday, telling News Corp that support for the monarchy is growing due to interest in the latest generation of royals, including Prince George and Princess Charlotte.

"Republicanism gets trotted out from time to time but support for our existing constitutional arrangements is stronger than [it has been] for many years, helped by enthusiasm for the younger royals," he said.

Researchers believe that without the kinds of scandals that hit the British royal family in the 1990s, support for a republic will remain flat.

Researchers believe that without the kinds of scandals that hit the British royal family in the 1990s, support for a republic will remain flat.

Mr Mansillo said a renewed push is lacking the spark of scandal that would allow a politician to force the issue like Paul Keating did in the 1990s. "People don't really care," he told Fairfax Media.

It would be difficult for the current political elites to persuade people there is a big enough problem to warrant change without the monarchy "undoing itself", he said.

His research also found:

  • The monarchy is most popular in Queensland and South Australia
  • Non-Windsor family royals such as Danish Crown Princess Mary have a positive effect on sentiment towards the British royals
  • European and Asian migrants opposed the monarchy up until 2004 but now support it more than at any point previously
  • Protestant identity remains a stable and strong predictor of support for the monarchy

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