By Michael Koziol
Clearer guidelines, greater transparency and discouraging excessive travel expenses (including helicopter use) form the backbone of a beefed-up parliamentary entitlements regime endorsed by the Turnbull government on Wednesday.
The report conceded the current system is too ambiguous, lacks transparency and has undermined public confidence in politics. But, as previously reported by Fairfax Media, it stopped short of urging a major overhaul of existing entitlements and their generosity.
Led by Remuneration Tribunal president John Conde and former Finance secretary David Tune, the review proposes a new "principles-based" system, which would put "value for money" at its core and encourage the "efficient, effective and ethical use of resources".
It also recommends that the language of "entitlements" be abandoned in favour of the term "work expenses", because the former is "misleading, anachronistic and inappropriate".
Claimed $5000 in travel expenses: Minister Christopher Pyne during question time at Parliament House in Canberra.Credit: Andrew Meares
The report revealed that in just one year, politicians spent $31.13 million on domestic and overseas travel, over an average of 1058 tickets a week.
They claimed $103 million in office expenses, $7 million in travel allowances for themselves and $14 million in travel allowances for staff. On average, staff made 311 taxpayer-funded travel allowance claims each week.
A further $2 million was spent on 60,000 car transport claims.
Controversial travel allowances for politicians and their families would be retained but with adjustments and tighter eligibility requirements. Three annual inter-state business class trips provided for spouses and dependent children would remain, but it would be made clear the purpose is for family reunion on "legitimate – not contrived" parliamentary business, not family holidays.
A hung Parliament can produce instability and the possibility of flipping between governments.Credit: Karleen Minney
Those rules came under the spotlight last year when Tony Burke claimed $12,000 to fly his family to Uluru and Christopher Pyne notched up $5000 in expenses to take his family to Sydney over New Year's Eve – travel that would be likely to remain permissible under the new system. The committee said it had considered abolishing the family union provisions but concluded such a "blunt" approach would have an unreasonable impact on MPs with young families who are often away from home.
Travel for families to and from Canberra should "essentially be maintained in its current form", the review found.
Claimed $12,000 to fly his family to Uluru: Tony Burke.
In what some observers have dubbed "The Bronwyn Rule", the review recommends the Finance Department offer more guidance for parliamentarians to ensure they understand that "transport must constitute value for money, and in particular that, in the absence of compelling reasons, helicopters cannot be chartered to cover short distances".
Former speaker Bronwyn Bishop was forced to resign last year after it was revealed she spent $5000 of taxpayers' money on a charter helicopter from Melbourne to Geelong for a Liberal Party fundraiser.
The proposed new system would include a more explicit but "inclusive" definition of what constitutes "parliamentary business", the notorious category of activity used by politicians to justify spurious spending.
Under the definition, "party political duties" would be restricted to activities that have "a direct and substantial connection to the parliamentarian's membership of the Parliament". That would include formal party meetings, including cabinet or subcommittees, and national or state party conferences.
Parliamentary business would also continue to include basic duties such as attending Parliament, "office duties" such as events, functions and meetings and "electorate duties" such as public debates, functions and matters "of importance or interest to constituents". Politicians would be required to show that their travel falls into at least one of the "work streams" covered by the new definition.
Under significant changes to the Comcar system, use of the personal limousines would be explicitly banned for journeys which are "primarily personal". The Canberra shuttle service, wherein personal limos are at constant beck-and-call during parliamentary sitting weeks, would be re-examined to obtain better value for money.
But it's not all bad news for politicians. The report recommends some new and expanded perks, including a third, staffed electorate office for MPs in the "big six" electorates with an area in excess of 500,000 square kilometres. And the spouse of a parliamentarian who is the mother of a dependent child under 12 months of age will now be able to travel with them on all parliamentary business on an economy fare.
In addition, the report recommends:
- The Department of Finance should allocate more resources to quickly audit politicians' activities and take action on its findings.
- The government should publish a database of parliamentary expenses quarterly, and then monthly – rather than every six months.
- Politicians should incur a 25 per cent penalty for any post-hoc adjustments to all claims, not just those related to travel.
- Spouses who accompany ministers or office holders on travel should lose their $10-a-day travel allowance.
Special Minister of State Mathias Cormann has indicated the government accepts the report's 36 recommendations in principle and will now work toward their implementation.
But Greens senator Lee Rhiannon said the review had proposed "a lukewarm collection of half-measures" that offered only "baby steps towards transparency". MPs should be required to report expenses in real time on a public website, she said.