

This was published 8 years ago

Police set to charge 'tinnie terrorist' five over boat escape plot

By David Wroe and Adam Gartrell

Five Melbourne men who allegedly planned to take a tinnie to Indonesia to join Islamic state have been charged with terrorist offences.

Islamic preacher Musa Cerantonio, who has been described as "an outspoken cheerleader for ISIS", was arrested near Cairns on Tuesday along with Shayden Thorne, Kadir Kaya, Antonio Grenata and another, so far unidentified, man.

Musa Cerantonio outside his mother's home last year.

Musa Cerantonio outside his mother's home last year.Credit: Simon Schluter

The men, aged 31, 21, 25, 28 and 30, have each been charged with making preparations for incursions into foreign countries for the purpose of engaging in hostile activities.

The maximum penalty is life imprisonment.

All five had had their passports cancelled because authorities feared they would try to join the estimated 110 Australians currently fighting with the militant group in the Middle East.

Police arrested the men in Laura, north-west of Cairns, on Tuesday. They had bought the boat in Bendigo, Victoria, and had towed it at speeds as low as 30 km/h.

It is believed police had been monitoring the men for weeks before they left Bendigo.

Police had flagged last week that they might not have enough evidence to lay charges but had swooped anyway to stop the men leaving the country, in keeping with the increasing approach towards "disruption" of plots as well as aiming at prosecutions.

But they had also signalled that if charges were to be laid, they were likely be under "foreign incursion" laws which prohibit travelling to another country with the intention of engaging in hostilities. Such charges carry a maximum penalty of life in prison.


The Coalition has passed several waves of new national security laws, including changes which lower the threshold for arrest in terrorism cases and also allow police to hold suspects for longer before laying charges. This allows them to disrupt plots in emergency situations while also giving them more time to gather evidence once arrests have been made.

Police said the men planned to take the boat to Indonesia and then go via the Philippines to Syria.

Attorney-General George Brandis said it was suspected the men were "seeking to leave Australia by vessel to avoid the fact that they couldn't travel by air because their passports had been cancelled".

As well as Mr Cerantonio, Shayden Thorne, the brother of self-styled preacher Junaid Thorne was also among the five. Kadir Kaya - who openly declared that he hated Australia and wanted to leave on national radio little more than six months ago - was another of the men on the bizarre trip, along with a 25-year-old Antonio Granata.

Mr Cerantonio was once regarded as one of the most influential English-language extremist preachers on the internet. He was deported from the Philippines, where he had been in hiding, in 2014.

Mr Kaya, 21, told Radio 3AW in October last year that he wanted to live in Turkey, but couldn't leave Australia as his Turkish passport had been cancelled and his application for an adult Australian passport had been refused.

The Victorian and Queensland Joint Counter Terrorism Teams said there was no current or impending threat of a terrorist act in Australia arising from the investigation.

The five are scheduled to appear in Cairns Magistrates Court on Monday.

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