

This was published 11 years ago

NSW signs up to Gonski reforms

By Judith Ireland and Daniel Hurst

New South Wales has become the first state to sign up to the Gonski school education reforms, in a breakthrough likely to put added pressure on the other premiers to settle a deal.

Prime Minister Julia Gillard and NSW Liberal Premier Barry O'Farrell announced they had reached a deal and signed the paperwork in Sydney on Tuesday afternoon.

New South Wales Premier Barry O'Farrell and Prime Minister Julia Gillard prepare to sign the National Education Reform Agreement in Sydney on Tuesday.

New South Wales Premier Barry O'Farrell and Prime Minister Julia Gillard prepare to sign the National Education Reform Agreement in Sydney on Tuesday.Credit: AFP/Saeed Khan

Ms Gillard said she was pleased to join with Mr O'Farrell for ''an historic announcement'' that would affect the 1.1 million schoolchildren in NSW.

''This is an historic announcement not only for NSW education but Australian education,'' she said.

Ms Gillard said she believed that this would be the moment the nation reached out and seized the biggest opportunity for school improvement in 40 years. She was confident the deal would lead to other states also signing up.

Ms Gillard said the deal included a commitment by NSW to 3 per cent indexation from 2016. It would see the state achieve 95 per cent of the school resource standard by the end of the transition period in 2019.

The Prime Minister described this as ''within striking distance'' of the full standard the government wanted to achieve.

Mr O'Farrell said the deal would deliver additional resources to NSW schools and he was pleased to be the first state leader to sign up.


''What we've done now is to prioritise education by ensuring the $1.7 billion required under this deal can and will be found,'' he said.

''This reform today has the potential to ensure some of the debate of the past about funding mixes, system versus system, are consigned to history.''

Mr O'Farrell said the NSW government would achieve the needed $1.7 billion in savings through further savings across government; a new efficiency dividend applying from 2015-16; and changes to vocational education and training fees and subsidies.

He said a number of business taxes that were due to be abolished soon would ''continue temporarily''.

Mr O'Farrell said they were tough decisions but showed the state government was prioritising school education.

This comes after the Council of Australian Governments Meeting wrapped up last Friday without a single state or territory signing onto Ms Gillard’s proposed plan, which would see an extra $14.5 billion for school funding over the next six years.

The federal government is offering the money under a two-for-one deal, which would require states to stump up 35 per cent of the money or $5.1 billion.

NSW had been regarded as close to signing up, but had concerns about how it would afford its share of the funding. The Coalition-led state is the first to sign up to the school funding reforms.

The federal government argues the changes will transform the school funding system to make it fairer and ensure disadvantaged students are better supported.

NSW schools stand to gain an extra $5 billion under the proposal, more than any other state. This would require about $1.7 billion from the O'Farrell government.

NSW independent MP Rob Oakeshott congratulated Mr O'Farrell for signing on to the reform, calling it a ''big win'' for the state.

''Parents in NSW will be relieved to see the state and federal governments put education funding reform, and the needs of schoolchildren, ahead of political differences,'' Mr Oakeshott said in a statement.

''Today's announcement is a big result for NSW, and for the nation, and shows that bipartisanship beats adversarial politics any day of the week.''

Australian Education Union federal president Angelo Gavrielatos said the ''historic breakthrough'' should spur other state and territory leaders to sign up quickly.

''Parents outside NSW will rightly be asking why their leader would wait any longer to commit to Gonski,'' he said.

''By signing up, there would be $14.5 billion in additional funds across the country. No leader should knock that back.''

Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said on Tuesday he was confident that Mr O'Farrell would have ''done what he thought was in the best interest of NSW'' in signing up to the Gonski reform.

''I'm also fairly sure that a desperate Prime Minister would have thrown money at this particular problem,'' he told reporters in Geraldton.

Mr Abbott said that ''more money'' for NSW meant less for other states.

He said the question of whether other states would sign on would depend on whether they could trust Ms Gillard to deliver.

''This is a Prime Minister who so far has been hopeless at delivering on anything.''

When asked if he was surprised that NSW had reached a deal on Gonski, Mr Abbott said he always expected that some states would sign up.

''When you've got a government making enormous promises of money, money and more money, the temptation particularly from hard-pressed state governments is to sign up,'' he said.

On Friday, after COAG, Mr O'Farrell told reporters in Canberra: ''We will continue to talk with the Federal Government. At a first cut at looking at how we could afford the $1.7 billion last Monday, we didn't get there. We are determined to deliver this package, if indeed it’s in the best interests of New South Wales.''

Ms Gillard has set a June 30 deadline for states and territories to sign up to the funding reforms, which will take effect from next year.

Queensland does not appear to be close to a deal.

Premier Campbell Newman remains opposed to what he calls new bureaucratic obligations that will be imposed on schools under the reforms, while demanding the federal government abandon its plans to fund the reforms through higher education funding cuts.

Mr Newman's spokesman said on Tuesday he wanted to strike a deal but he would be writing to Ms Gillard in the ''next few weeks'' with suggestions on what needed to change to pave the way for an agreement.

Apart from the other conservative states, the Labor-run jurisdictions of Tasmania, South Australia and the Australian Capital Territory are yet to sign up. It is understood Tasmania remains concerned about how the funding model translates to reality, having questioned at the COAG meeting why a particular state school would gain less than a private school.

Tasmanian Labor Premier Lara Giddings said her government had had constructive discussions with the federal government but its position had not changed since last week's COAG meeting.

"The Gonski reforms are critical to the education of our future generations but it is important that we get the right funding model to maximise the benefits for Tasmania,'' she said.

"We need to close the gap between the best and worst educational outcomes and I want to ensure that the package is focussed on giving a hand up to schools that face the greatest challenges."

South Australia's Acting Premier, John Rau, said further meetings with the federal government were scheduled in ''coming weeks''.ACT Chief Minister Katy Gallagher's office said her government was ''continuing negotiations with the commonwealth government to reach a deal in the best interests of Canberra schools and students''.


WA Liberal Premier Colin Barnett's spokeswoman said the state was willing to continue discussions but the offer as it stood was ''not attractive to WA'' and its position had not changed as a result of the NSW deal.

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