

This was published 8 years ago

'No evidence' for bias claims: ABC fires back at critics of Four Corners program on Nauru

By Matthew Knott

The ABC has hit back at criticism of Four Corners' investigation into the lives of asylum seeker children on Nauru, accusing those attacking the program of producing "no evidence" to back up their claims of bias.

The Nauruan government has slammed the program as "an embarrassment to journalism" and Coalition senators accused the ABC of acting as a mouthpiece for activist organisations at heated Senate estimates hearings on Tuesday.

Critics have accused the ABC of poor journalism by painting a dire picture of the conditions on Nauru despite not having visited the island and not seeking comment from the government of Nauru.

Immigration Minister Peter Dutton said reporters at the ABC and other outlets were "advocates dressed up as journalists" who were determined to undo the tough policies that had prevented hundreds of deaths at sea.

Four Corners host Sarah Ferguson.

Four Corners host Sarah Ferguson.Credit: ABC TV

In a detailed response to criticism of the program, the ABC's director of news, Gaven Morris, said Four Corners had "told the important story of the more than 100 refugee children who are living on Nauru in their own words and those of some of their teachers".

"As the Nauruan government routinely refuses journalists access to report on offshore processing, and charges prohibitive fees for media visas which are not refunded if the applications are refused, Four Corners relied on a range of sources for footage," he said in a statement.

"This included hiring a freelance camera operator on Nauru to gather footage, as is routinely done on many stories.

"The key interviews with the children were conducted remotely by Four Corners, and their stories were subjected to the program's usual rigorous fact-checking processes."


Mr Morris said the lack of access to the island forced Four Corners to rely on remote interviews and the testimonies of staff who had worked on the island.

"The program was made in this way out of necessity," he said.

"Otherwise, the stories of these children would not have been told."

At Senate estimates hearings on Tuesday, Liberal Senator Jane Hume called for ABC managing director Michelle Guthrie to launch an inquiry into the program.

Senator Hume asked whether "all we heard on this program were the representatives of Save the Children and Amnesty (International) and the stories they wanted to tell, and selected stories from the young people on Nauru?"

Former cabinet minister Eric Abetz said it appeared the ABC had participated in an "orchestrated" campaign by airing the program at the same time Amnesty released a major report on conditions on the island.

ABC editorial director Alan Sunderland strongly defended the program, saying: "We don't launch inquiries into excellent pieces of journalism."

Four Corners had requested an interview with Mr Dutton, rather than the Nauruan government, because the issues raised were most relevant to the Australian government, he said.

Mr Dutton later accused the ABC of focusing on old footage and declining to use new photos and videos of upgraded schools for asylum seeker children.

The ABC was also accused of using footage posted on YouTube of Nauruan men fighting to portray the island as violent and unsafe.

"The video of school fighting shown was filmed near the school and provided to Four Corners by sources on the island, as were the other videos," Mr Morris said in the statement.

"The fact that some of those also have appeared on YouTube does not cast doubt on their veracity."


Mr Morris said Four Corners declined Mr Dutton's offer of a live interview following the program because they are not part of the program's format.

The minister declined offers to appear on Lateline following the program and on AM the day after it aired, he said.

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