

This was published 9 years ago

Nauru rape allegations 'very alarming', says Malcolm Turnbull

By Latika Bourke

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull says the government is committed to ensuring women and children refugees living on Nauru are safe, after allegations from a 26-year-old Somali woman that she was harassed and raped by two Nauran men.

In a sign of the political pressure weighing on the new Prime Minister to act on the litany of human rights abuses reported on Australia's offshore detention camps for asylum seekers, Mr Turnbull read from prepared notes when responding to questions about the rape allegations.

The ABC's 7.30 reported on Monday that Nauruan police took four hours to response to the woman's call for help. They broadcast a distressing video of the refugee's call to police, in which she said she was hiding in a rock cave.

Mr Turnbull said the report had revealed an "alarming issue" and said he understood why women on Nauru felt terrorised.

Turnbull's victory was close to the bone for Shaun Micallef.

Turnbull's victory was close to the bone for Shaun Micallef.Credit: Rohan Thomson

"The story on 7.30 on Monday night did reveal…a very alarming issue of safety for women there and we take that very seriously," he told ABC radio.

Mr Turnbull said the government is taking "a number of steps" to improve safety and the security of refugees on Nauru. These include deploying Australian Federal Police to mentor the local police and establishing a gender violence unit within the local police force.

"The Minister, Minister [Peter] Dutton, the whole government, is very committed to ensuring that women, that all of the transferees and refugees but in this context women and children are absolutely safe in that environment," Mr Turnbull said.


The Prime Minister said "quite a number" of asylum seekers who had arrived by boat had not been granted refugee status and were in a position to choose to return home.

And for those asylum seekers found to be refugees, Mr Turnbull said: "We are working actively to achieve resettlement for them."

The Australian government sends all asylum seekers who arrive by boat to camps on Nauru and Papua New Guinea's Manua Island as part of its pledge to "stop the boats". The latest available statistics show that as of 31 August there were 936 asylum seekers on Manus Island and 653 on Nauru. Two of the asylum seekers on Nauru were in Port Moresby for medical treatment at the statistics were published.

Mr Turnbull was the opposition leader at the time former Labor prime minister Kevin Rudd unwound the Pacific Solution.

"He did it, this was - billions of dollars, tragically, hundreds of lives, we don't actually know how many lives and of course tens of thousands of arrivals," he said.

"They save lives, this is not a theoretical exercise anymore, sadly, I wish Rudd hadn't done it."

When Mr Rudd was reinstated as prime minister in 2013, he announced the harsh policy of refusing any refugee who had travelled by boat permanent resettlement in Australia. More asylum seekers have died on Manus Island than have been resettled.

Mr Turnbull said he stood by the "tough" and "harsh" measures introduced by the subsequent Gillard and Abbott governments because stopping the boats had stopped deaths at sea.

But there is an expectation from some within the government's ranks that Mr Turnbull, as a socially moderate leader, will heal the "weeping sore" of how Australia treats its asylum seekers.

Liberal backbencher Russell Broadbent has previously told Fairfax Media that the sore will worsen if left unaddressed.

"You know what happens to a weeping sore if you don't deal with it. It becomes a raging ulcer," he said.

In one of his first interviews as Prime Minister, Mr Turnbull said he understood and shared the "concerns" of those worried about the plight of asylum seekers on Nauru and Manus Island.

"I understand the issue. I have the same concerns about the situation of people on Manus and Nauru as you do, and as I would think almost all, all, Australians do."

"This is an area that is clearly is one that is controversial, that is a challenging one. It is a challenging one. It is certainly one that close attention is being paid to," he said. But he subsequently ruled out resettling any asylum seekers in Australia.

Mr Turnbull's comments come just one day after Foreign Minister Julie Bishop announced Australia would be seeking a seat on the United Nations Human Rights Council - a body responsible for promoting and protecting human rights around the world.

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